Nail Care

The Art of Nails – Basics of Nail Art

Nail art has been around for many years and originally started in China. Back then, nail polish hasn’t been invented so the Chinese used other coloring agents on their nails and paint different shapes and pictures. In the 21st century, nail art still remains popular especially among the younger generation.

There are over a thousand nail art designs that one can choose from. If you go visit a salon, most of them would usually have a booklet ready so their clients can just choose which designs they want painted on their nails. If the clients don’t see anything that they like on the catalogues, the artist can easily talk to the client and ask them what designs they would want on their nails and they can have them custom-made.

Having someone paint art on your nails can be pretty tiring. Nail painting takes some time to finish so it would be best for a person to make sure that they can spare at least half a day in order to have their nails painted by a professional.

Haphazardly doing nail art can lead to having ugly nails which defeats the purpose of painting your nails. Therefore, when planning to have this process done, you must be patient enough to complete it at the best time possible.

Not all salons offer nail art designing. For one, there are only a few nail artists around and each session can be a bit pricey. The artist also needs to have her own nail supplies in order to do nail art. The most popular designs are made of nail acrylic. Some who are less imaginative use small stickers and just paste it on the nails of their clients. It’s not very original but some customers would actually opt for it since it’s cheaper and can somehow have the same desired effect.

Nail art designs are very unique and astonishing if one actually takes the time to appreciate the magnificence of each masterpiece. For one thing, the level of difficulty to use nails as the canvass for their artwork in itself is awesome in itself, how much more if the artist paints an exact replica of famous works of art such as the Mona Lisa?

To create pictures and repeating them in each nail requires a lot of talent and patience. No wonder there are only a few nail artists around. Tattoo artists are more popular since they have bigger canvasses, the human skin. Nail artists only work on nails. The skill in doing nail art is not something to be messed up with because it takes fine precision and an eye for detail to replicate an artwork into a something relatively smaller.

Though nail art is not unheard of, its popularity is also not something one would recognize immediately, mainly because of its price. Give or take a few more years and more pictures of nail art posted in blogs and internet web sites and before we know it, nail art could be the next big thing.

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