Tatoos and Body Art

Tattoos, Going Commercial in a Big Way

Information and data on ‘tattoo’ is so sought after on the internet that internet search engine Lycos removed the word tattoo from its list of keywords. Their server was getting jammed with too many and too long searches on the keyword tattoo. The search for tattoo designs is way up ahead of even hot keywords like web hosting, software, insurance, poker, etc.

Websites with a gallery of tattoo designs and tattoo lettering to choose from have proliferated like anything. One may select a tattoo, print out the tattoo and take the printout to the nearby tattoo artist to get them tattooed on to them. You could also innovatively combine more than one tattoo and make a unique tattoo design of your own.

These tattoo designs and tattoo lettering are well categorized. They are also appended with rating depending on customer preferences and reviews by customers. You may choose one specific to the occasion, event, etc or befitting your personality factors and your profession.

Tattoo categories are stupendous – tribal tattoos, star tattoos, bodyart, dragon tattoos, butterfly tattoos, cross tattoos, lower back tattoos, heart tattoos, female body art, skull tattoos, girl tattoos, flower tattoos, scorpion tattoo, celtic tattoos, foot tattoos, cool tattoos, rose tattoos, angel tattoos, tiger tattoo, cross tattoo, heart tattoos,…what more can one think of!

Tattoos are made on any part of the body. It is aptly referred to as body art. Tattoo crazed people are also getting a tattoo done on their tongues! You get black and white tattoos, colourful tattoos, small, medium and large sized ones.

You can pose yourself with your tattoo, take a picture of yours and post the pictures of tattoos on these websites. You can share your experience of getting a tattoo on you with other tattoo lovers. Videos on how you got yourself tattooed are also accepted by these websites.

These websites also provide a page each to interested tattoo parlours. The tattoo parlours can exhibit their tattoo designs online on this page for advertisement or sale. They can also advertise about their parlour.

When the tattoo designs on their page get selected by someone, they get a commission for that from the website owner. The parlour gets the twin benefit of exposure and income generation. Hooking clients based afar and having a clientele spread across wide geographical area becomes possible. Expansion by word of mouth through their client is another benefit.

Not all the tattoo designs posted on these websites are for public viewing. Some are for viewing by only those who have subscribed for membership with a membership fee. At the other extreme some offer free tattoo designs to popularise themselves. Some offer free tattoo gift cards which one may gift to their loved ones.

Tattoo parlours have also sprouted everywhere. Such is the demand for tattooing. The tattoo parlour and the tattoo artist need to get certification of approval from the concerned authorities. Use of sterilized – equipments, gloves, single use needles, single use colouring pigments, wiping tissues are advocated. Cleaning the parlour with a disinfectant is emphasized upon. These precautions are to ensure against cross contamination through blood and body fluids.

Tattoos are also judged for awards. The award winning tattoo artist and tattoo designs get a premium commercial footing. Some have even approached Guinness book of records to record their largest collection of tattoo designs.

Puritans have a negative opinion on tattooing. They view it as a person’s desire to camouflage one’s real identity or adopt a new identity. According to them, those who are not able to come to terms with one’s inner self, resort to getting tattooed.

Modernists view it as the coming out of a person from his shell. Tattoo art is seen as a celebration of life.