Cleansing Diets

February 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Cleansing Diets

Cleansing Diets–Different Types of Body Cleansing Diets

Everyday our body is bombarded with toxins, from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and from all other sources.. Our body, thus, needs something to expel these unwanted chemicals from our body. Cleansing diets can greatly help in this area. What it does is it promotes the removal of toxins from the body making it cleaner and healthier. The body can naturally do it by itself but it takes longer and has a heavy toll on its condition. Much of the toxins ingested in the body can come from foods. Heavily processed foods contain lots of additives which are harmful. Controlling the type of foods you eat generally leads to a cleaner system.

Body cleansing diets abound today. You can choose as to what you feel to be the best for you, professional consultation, though, is still the best. Cleansing can be divided according to the foods you can ingest, how long a program will take or what part of the body you are targeting to clean. The first group of cleansing diet, mostly liquid cleansing diets can include:

1. Lemonade cleansing diet – a close relative of a juice fast, this master cleansing diet involves consuming only lemonade (made with fresh lemon juice, grade-B maple syrup, purified and non-fluoridated water, and cayenne pepper, known as the master cleansing diet recipe) for days. This enables your system to take a rest from processing all other chemicals. It also makes the body to burn stored fats for energy hence resulting to weight loss other than the cleansing effect.
2. Cabbage cleansing diet – for the cabbage fans out there, this one-week program will work wonders. Cabbage soup is the only food that will be consumed while in the program. This cleansing diet will provide rest for your system and also induce weight loss at the same time.
3. Grapefruit cleansing diet – this diet was mainly designed as a weight loss diet. Grapefruit contains enzymes that promotes fat burning, thus its fame. Since it also limits consumption to one type of food, it can also provide rest to your digestive system as it flushes out toxins.

The second group of cleansing diet is those that have a specific length of time the regimen will take.

1. 1-day cleansing diet – the shortest and therefore the one with the least risk.
2. 3-day cleansing diet – a popular extension of the 24-hour cleansing diet
3. 2-week cleansing diet – a longer, and therefore harsher, cleansing diet. Can introduce a lot of side effects especially if not properly done.

The last group are those that target organs in the body in need of cleansing. This includes:

1. Liver cleansing diet – made to rid the liver of toxins and contaminants resulting to better function. Liver cleansing diet involves avoiding foods processed with chemicals and drugs. It encourages consumption of clean water, legumes and whole grains. The low fat contained in the food in liver cleansing diet menus can help in losing weight.
2. Colon cleansing diet – usually a diet containing high fiber foods, it naturally cleans the colon, or large intestine.

One can choose among different kinds of cleansing diet, the most important factor to consider is the risks and side effects. Professional consultation may prove invaluable for those who have doubts on the safety of these regimens and at lost on what type of cleansing diet they need. One thing is for sure, the body needs cleansing. With little sacrifice, you’ll be doing your body a great favor.