Shoulder Exercise For Optimum Strength And Size

April 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

The muscles of the shoulders are called deltoids and there are varying exercises with varying results for this area. The shoulders are big contributors to movement in the body and consist of a elaborate network of muscles. Due to the complexity of the muscle structure, a mixture of different exercises must be performed to give a balanced source of strengthening.

Proportioning exercises to all parts of the shoulders is not just for visually appealing reasons, the shoulders can be vulnerable to injury if certain areas are underdeveloped.

Following are a some easy exercises for the shoulders that will encompass all areas of the shoulder muscle structure . You can do these exercises when sitting or standing but it is a good idea to alternate if possible.

For these exercises have a set of dumbbells and a straight-backed chair (if you are intending to sit while exercising). The chair must be at the correct height to allow you to sit down with you legs and back straight and soles of the feet flat on the floor.

Exercise 1 – Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Raise the dumbbells overhead either together or individually.

Exercise 2 – Lateral Raises

Raising the weights up to the height of the shoulder

Exercise 3 – Front Raises

Raise the right arm, keeping it straight. out in front of you to the height of the shoulder. Slowly lower then the same for the left arm.

Exercise 4 – Arnold Press

Begin with your arms straight out in front and palms facing the front of the shoulders then raise the arms to a little above the head making sure to twirl the arms so that the palms will be facing outwards. This can be performed with both arms or individually.

This exercise can also be performed using a barbell, either at home if you have one, or at the gym. Lift the barbell above your head. Using both weights has benefits for different parts of the shoulder so it is a good idea to alternate giving a more complete work out to the shoulder.

Before embarking on your shoulder exercises, make sure you warm up the area. This can be done simply by following the same exercise process but with a much lighter weight, around 50 % lighter than the weight you will use for the routine.

Remember to take the routine slowly. Rushing the positions will reduce the benefits to the muscles in terms of strengthening and definition. Also remember to breathe steadily and breathe out under exertion. Other joints such as the elbows must be aligned during the course of the exercise.

Exercising of all types is vital for the general health of the body, however you should consult with your doctor before commencing a new work out regime including a shoulder work out.

Exercises For The Lower Back For A Strength Foundation

April 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

It is easy to embark on a work out routine focussing on areas such as the abs and buttocks and other aesthetic areas, however it is just as important, if not more, to make sure your have sufficient strength in the muscles of the back and lower back. Any physical activity requires the back to be able to support the body.

The back is an extremely important area to maintain strength, however before commencing an exercise regime always check with your doctor first, this is especially important if there is an existing injury to the back or any pain. There are many mild back stretching and exercises routines that are suitable for injuries to facilitate healing, however, it is best to wait until the back is in good health.

For a healthy back, there are plenty of exercises that will continue to maintain and increase strength in the lower back area. An especially effective form of back exercise are the forms and stretches included in the discipline of yoga.

The posturing involved in yoga are deceptively powerful. They may seem mild and relaxing but they really work the area and yoga experts are incredibly strong and flexible.

The back area contains a convoluted array of muscles that must be maintained equally. If some areas are not exercised they may become tight leading to spinal problems and pain when neglected muscles are suddenly used in excess such as lifting a heavy box

Yoga can be performed in the comfort of your own home, using yoga instructional DVD’s and books, however, it is advisable to attend a class at the beginning and become proficient in the posturing before going it alone. These moves are not to be taken lightly as they have a huge impact on the muscles. Make sure you know what your are doing.

Many enjoy attending a class for the camaraderie and tranquil atmosphere as well as having an instructor at hand in case you are creating an incorrect form.

The most common form of yoga for use as an exercise is Asanas yoga. The full yoga discipline encompasses many different aspects of lifestyle.

Following are a few poses commonly found in a yoga session.

Pawanmuktasan – Knee close to the chest

Marjariasana – The cat posture

supta matsyendrasana – The supine twist

adho mukha svanasana – The dog facing downwards posture

Bhujangasana – The cobra posture

The pelvic tilt – This is not a tradition yoga pose but is often incorporated into a session.

You must complete the full compliment of yoga poses as they work in conjunction with each other. Missing some out could lead to an imbalance in the muscular development and have an impact on the spine.

The moves are slow and deliberate, there should be no fast and jerky movements. The positions must be made correctly with the head positioned properly. The posture may be held for around 3 minutes depending on your capabilities and strength. The length will increase as you become stronger and more supple.

Everyone will have varying degrees of ability in the class. Those that have a denser muscle volume may not be as flexible. Yoga instructors tend to be lean but very strong. Just be patient with what you can do and don’t over do it, it is not desirable to strain the muscles and experience discomfort.

Hold the pose as long as you can then release and wait calmly for the next position, as you progress, you will be holding the positions for longer. Your breathing should be free and consistent while you practise the lower back exercises.

An Essential Leg Work-Out To Avoid The Lollypop Look

March 30, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

When working out, many people concentrate on the buttocks upwards forgetting about the necessity for strengthening the legs. Before long, the upper body muscle volume has increased with the size of the legs being disproportionate, hence the lollypop angle. Leg exercise is vital to give an overall balance and remember those legs have to carry the upper bulk.

A leg workout, is in fact beneficial for many other parts of the body also, such as the buttocks, waistline and hip and pelvis area. Any exercise is always beneficial for the cardiovascular muscles. Due to the multi faceted high intensity of a leg workout, you may feel a bit light-headed afterwards.

When working out the legs there are 4 major leg muscles that you should concentrate on. These include the muscles at the front of the thigh called the quadriceps, the hamstring located on the back of the thigh, the calves at the back, lower part of the leg and the buttocks also known as glutes. Try to get a good balance of exercise to each area as often as you can and do not over-develop one area with another left under-developed, this can create problems

Following are a set of exercises encompassing all areas of note to get your legs looking great.

Exercise 1 – Quads and Glutes

Squatting using the barbell is a traditional, highly effective exercise for the glutes and quads. Place the barbell behind head on an area known as the trapezius muscles and slightly bend forward slowly and begin bending your knees only when you need to bring the buttocks near to the ground. The knees should be kept pointing ahead. When the thighs become inline with the ground, stop and start to slowly rise up to the starting position. The body must be kept straight and no movements to the side.

Exercise 2 – Calves

This area can be more difficult to see quick results so remember to concentrate on the calves as part of your exercise program.
Use the calf raise in a variety of positions including sitting and standing with the feet pointing in and out, to maximize the development of the whole region.

Exercise 3 – Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a unique feature in the workout as they are actually a tendon as opposed to a muscle but have to be focused on to build strength so they are not strained with the development of other surrounding muscles.

Try some hamstring stretches by lying straight back on the floor or by using the leg curl.

Exercise is vital for maintaining health, but remember to consult your doctor before embarking on a new exercise program, this includes a leg workout.

Knee Exercises For Strengthening And Supporting Arthritic Knees

March 28, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

When suffering from arthritis in the knees it is very beneficial to adopt an exercise routine for the knees. These exercises will help to strengthen the muscles and tendons surrounding the knees giving a better flexibly and increase the ability to move more comfortably. Exercise is also important for keeping the knee cartilage healthy and increase the capacity for cell regeneration.

Following are a set of useful exercises to include in your regime.

Exercise 1 – Strengthening The Knee

Sit down on a chair that allows you to put your feet on the floor, soles flat and thighs completely straight. Tighten your right thigh muscles, you will notice slight movement in the kneecap with the pulling action.

Now move your right foot forward by pushing with the heel, rotate your toes slowly in a circular motion for around half a minute. Repeat the process with the left leg.

Make sure your knee is always straight without falling to either side.

Exercise 2 – Strengthening The Supporting Muscle Network

Remain on the chair and cross your ankles so that they are pressing on each other. Make sure the pressure is balanced in either ankle when pressing and the legs should be completely still. Remain in that position for 10 seconds then release them. Repeat the process with the legs changed around.

It is possible to carry out this exercise with the legs straight or bent, find out which one suits you and is most comfortable. You should not feel pain but the knee muscles being worked.

Try not to hold your breath while performing the exercises, breathe normally. If any pain is felt discontinue the exercise and consult your doctor as soon as possible. Before beginning any exercise program especially for a medical condition, always check with your doctor first.

There are some types of exercise that are not suitable for artritic joints, especially high impact exercise such running, skipping and jumping of any kind onto a hard surface. If you enjoy a sport that will have you bearing down heavily on the knee joint, even with mild arthritis, is advisable to stop and go for something with less impact.

The ideal sport would be swimming given the support of the water but still working out the muscles. Other exercise machines found in a gym are suitable such as cycling machines with no heavy impact. It is essential to have exercise as a part of the lifestyle both for strengthening the muscles as well as maintaining health in general.

Using Hip Exercises To Help Aching Hip Arthritis

March 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

For some, it may seem like more pain but exercise is one of the best pain therapies for hip arthritis. Not only does the exercise help reduce pain but can thwart progression of the arthritis.

To compensate for painful hips, many will put more strain on the knees thus creating arthritic problems in the knees. Conversely, with arthritis in the knee joints, more emphasis may be placed on the hips creating problems there.

To prevent this cycle, exercises for the hips which also benefit the knees, can be taken as a method of managing the pain and strengthening the muscles. The 3 most beneficial exercises for the hips are, reduced impact aerobic exercise and stretching exercises, and strengthening the muscles.

The best routine to get into is to do some if not all of these forms of exercise everyday. The body will respond better to continuous exercise as opposed to short sharp bursts interspersed with no exercise over a period of time.

Following are some easy to follow exercises for the hips.

Stretching The Hip

Be careful not to stretch too far, stay within the comfort zone. Make sure to do some stretching exercises every day. This will give you a better quality of life making everyday activities easier and less painful. Make sure you are not alone as you might require assistance to get up from the floor.

Exercise 1 – Raised Bent Leg (Repeat 5 times)

Lie down with you back in contact with the floor and slowly raise your right knee and position your left foot as near to the top of the thigh as possible. Slide your foot on the floor to enable the position. Again, slowly, raise your leg so that you knee is close to your chest. To assist this position you may want to pull the thigh with your hands, do not pull the knee.

Maintain this position for 5 seconds then release your leg slowly to the floor, stretch and relax. Do the same with the left leg

Exercise 2 – Raised Bent Leg With Rotation (5 Rotations)

Raise the right leg till the knee is in the air then slowly rotate the knee with the rotations moving in the direction of the other hip and back up. You may wish to give the thigh support with your hands. 5 rotations then repeat the process for the left leg.

Strengthening The Hip

Exercise 1 – Raised Straight Leg (2-5 Repetitions)

Lying with your back in contact with the floor keep your knees upright and the bottom of your feet in contact with the floor. Raise your right foot while tightening the muscles in the same thigh keeping the knee as straight as possible within your comfort range. Your foot should not be more than 2 feet from the ground and the back straight.

Hold this position for 10 seconds, then slowly release back to the ground. And relax. Follow the same process for the left leg.

Exercise 2 – Foot Roll (5-10 Repetitions)

Using a counter for support, standing around 2 feet away, stand with legs spread apart. Support your body with your heels and slowly lift toes turning to face inward then rotate back outward. The full leg will rotate within the hip joint during this exercise.

Exercise 3 – Backward Leg Raise (5 Repetitions)

Again supporting yourself on the counter, raise your right leg up behind you, with the knee kept straight. Hold the position for 5 seconds then release. Follow the same process for the left leg.

Aerobic Exercises – Reduced Impact

The type of aerobic exercise for the purposes of hip arthritis should be strictly low impact. Exercises such as running, jogging, jumping or skipping should be avoided. The stress to the joints in these types of exercise can be significant. The best form of exercise is swimming as there is very little impact with the support of the water or use of an exercise bike.

Never continue to exercise if you feel any abnormal aching or sharp pain. Be patient with the exercise and gradually build strength. It is possible to reduce pain using these exercises within a few weeks or less. If you are still showing no signs of improvement after 2 weeks it may be beneficial to consult with a physiotherapist where they can assess your condition. The exercises, in certain cases may not give pain relief but will at the very least lessen progression of the condition.

How To Perform A Hamstring Exercise Correctly And Avoid Injury

March 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

When working out, it is desirable to get a good balance for all muscles of the body and the hamstring is no exception. An under-developed hamstring can lead to a very painful injury if the surrounding muscles are well or over developed. In this instance the hamstring can be strained which can have severe implications for an athlete or someone whose job depends on their physical fitness.

The hamstring runs along the back of the leg from the knee reaching the buttocks. Most commonly, the hamstring is injured when the quad muscles are over developed pulling it out of position.

Other than injury to the hamstring itself, the hamstring must be developed to avoid pain in the lower back. This happens when the hamstrings are tightened and have a pulling effect on the pelvis, putting strain on the lower back. This is more likely to happen with those in a sedentary job making it even more essential to perform hamstring stretches in their workout.

The most effective time to perform hamstring stretches is after a warm up rather than before as the blood is plentiful throughout the muscles.

The Hamstring Stretch

Lying down on the back, raise the right leg fully at a 90 degree angle to the ground with the knee bent. Make sure the left leg is bent with the foot full on the ground. Then try to straighten the right leg as much as possible

You may find that the leg cannot be positioned completely vertical. Everyone has varying levels of flexibility, so make sure you do not strain the muscle. You will still be sufficiently stretching the muscle and you should feel the pull. You might want to give support to your thigh using your hand.

Once your leg is raised as straight as you can. Hold it there for about 15 seconds. Try for 5 repetitions on each leg.

Strengthening The Hamstring

This exercise will require the use of machine, you will find this in the gym for the purpose of a leg curl.

Exercise 1 – Leg Curl (Standing)

When at the machine stand so that the padded roller is at one side and behind you. Then you must curl you leg up and backwards, you will then lift the roller using your heel. Do this twice then on to the other leg.

Exercise 2 – Leg Curl (Lying)

With your stomach flat to the bench, both of your legs will curl up backwards with your heels lifting the roller..

Exercise 3 – Free leg Curl (Standing)

This is a good beginner exercise for those who have not worked out in a while or for older people with less muscle volume.

Stand straight and support you hands on the tall chair provided, or it may be a high counter.

With the knees aligned raise the right foot up from the floor with the heel pointing to the thigh, keep that position for 5 seconds. 5 repetitions then repeat the sequence with the left leg.

Exercise 4 – The Dead-lift

With the knees bent, lift the barbell off the floor to level with the thigh, keep the arms straight down and the spine neutral. Slowly and keep the knees bent, lower the barbell back to the floor. This exercise will strengthen the hamstring as well as the quad muscles.

Exercise and strengthening the muscles is essential for maintaining a healthy body. However, always consult your doctor when embarking on a new exercise regime. Original articles

Essential But Simple Exercises To Strengthen The Neck

March 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

The neck is an extremely important area of supportive muscles which must have sufficient strength to avoid straining and injury. For athletes, the emphasis on neck exercises is even more acute as the neck is at more risk especially with sports such as soccer, boxing and hockey which.

Bodybuilders also need to concentrate on this area to balance the strength, not just for visual proportion reasons but also to prevent injuries. Neck injuries can be very severe and in some cases lead to death.

The neck is compiled of 4 major groups of muscles giving support and flexibility to the head. These muscle groups include:

Flexors – Enabling the head to move down with the chin on the breastbone.

Rotators – Enabling the head to round to look past the shoulder

Lateral Flexors – Enabling the head to lean on either shoulder

Extensors – Enabling the head to move backwards your face pointing skywards.

Together, these muscles allow for complete movement of the head in all directions. The muscles must be maintained to keep them strong and supple to reduce the risk of injury or stiffness in the neck.

If you are embarking on neck exercises for the first time, take it easy. Don’t launch into heavy, intensive exercises as you may strain the area, take it slowly at first with gentle exercises regularly. Remember to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime.

The rotator muscles are relatively easy to increase strength. Put your hand against the side of your head while trying to turn the head, pushing gently on the hand. Start with gentle resistance then slowly add more once the head is turned to full capacity. Then do the other side. Always keep the head straight.

The other muscles involved in the neck muscle network can be exercised in tandem using machines provided by most gyms known as a four-way neck machine. If your gym does not have this machine they will most probably have an alternative head-strap apparatus, however this device will only benefit the extensors. You can buy a head strap in most sports shops.

The theory of the neck work out is based on the premise where resistance is placed on the neck when moving in the corresponding direction. The most effective and safest method is to start with a lower resistance then increasing when strength builds.

Never continue to exercise if pain or any discomfort is felt while in action. Strengthening the neck should be a slow and steady process. However, it is natural to feel a little fatigue hours after exercising a muscle correctly.

Getting A Great Chest Work Out At Home

March 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

It is not always easy, or time-efficient to go to the gym for a work-out. Although they provide the top weight and exercise machines it is still possible to get a great work out at home saving you time, money and hassle.

You may be asking, how can I get a chest work out at home? Well, wonder no more. With a few cheap to buy weights and some household items you can create the perfect gym workout without the costly fee.

You will need a set of dumbbells and 2 pillows to place them on. This will avoid damage to the floor and prevent the dumbbells from rolling.

For the first dumbbell exercise, use the lighter of the weights as the push-ups will require considerable energy.

Exercise 1 – Push-ups

Lying down on a carpet floor or mat do as many push-ups until you can no longer form a correct push up. Turn around so you are lying on to your back and move to the next exercise with no pause in-between.

Exercise 2 – Flys

This exercise should be performed slowly with around 4 seconds for each repetition. Use only the chest muscles to raise the weights then lower back down. If you are not able to lift with only the chest muscles, use a lighter weight.

Without compromising on position, perform as many repetitions as you can then swiftly move to the next exercise still holding the weights.

Exercise 3 – The Dumbbell Press

Lying on your back, lift the weights up vertical with the fore arms in a vertical position and elbows coming down to touch the floor. Do these exercises slowly until a full repetition cannot be performed.

Exercise 4 – Repeat the above process

With a 5 minute break go through the sequence once more.

Do not push yourself too hard if you have not been working out recently or you may strain your muscles.

This exercise sequence is designed to focus on building your chest muscles, make sure you use an appropriately light weight to increase the effectiveness of the workout.

Do not assume if you do the exercise faster that there will be a better result, it is the opposite. Slow repetitions will give optimum muscle building and reduce risk of injury.

The nature of this floor exercise will help in the control of your movement range, giving a better chance or avoiding any shoulder injury. As with all exercise, however, remember to discuss with your doctor before embarking on a new exercise and weight-lifting regime as well as this home work out.

Shoulder Exercise For Optimum Strength And Size

March 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

The muscles of the shoulders are called deltoids and there are varying exercises with varying results for this area. The shoulders are big contributors to movement in the body and consist of a elaborate network of muscles. Due to the complexity of the muscle structure, a mixture of different exercises must be performed to give a balanced source of strengthening.

Proportioning exercises to all parts of the shoulders is not just for visually appealing reasons, the shoulders can be vulnerable to injury if certain areas are underdeveloped.

Following are a some easy exercises for the shoulders that will encompass all areas of the shoulder muscle structure . You can do these exercises when sitting or standing but it is a good idea to alternate if possible.

For these exercises have a set of dumbbells and a straight-backed chair (if you are intending to sit while exercising). The chair must be at the correct height to allow you to sit down with you legs and back straight and soles of the feet flat on the floor.

Exercise 1 – Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Raise the dumbbells overhead either together or individually.

Exercise 2 – Lateral Raises

Raising the weights up to the height of the shoulder

Exercise 3 – Front Raises

Raise the right arm, keeping it straight. out in front of you to the height of the shoulder. Slowly lower then the same for the left arm.

Exercise 4 – Arnold Press

Begin with your arms straight out in front and palms facing the front of the shoulders then raise the arms to a little above the head making sure to twirl the arms so that the palms will be facing outwards. This can be performed with both arms or individually.

This exercise can also be performed using a barbell, either at home if you have one, or at the gym. Lift the barbell above your head. Using both weights has benefits for different parts of the shoulder so it is a good idea to alternate giving a more complete work out to the shoulder.

Before embarking on your shoulder exercises, make sure you warm up the area. This can be done simply by following the same exercise process but with a much lighter weight, around 50 % lighter than the weight you will use for the routine.

Remember to take the routine slowly. Rushing the positions will reduce the benefits to the muscles in terms of strengthening and definition. Also remember to breathe steadily and breathe out under exertion. Other joints such as the elbows must be aligned during the course of the exercise.

Exercising of all types is vital for the general health of the body, however you should consult with your doctor before commencing a new work out regime including a shoulder work out.

Use An Exercise Ball For A Great Abs And Back Workout

March 16, 2009 by  
Filed under Body Exercises

A hugely effective piece of exercise equipment is the exercise ball. It may look pretty innocent and playful, however it can help to give a fierce workout with great results for your abs, back and other central muscles.

You will find the exercise ball available in most gyms or you can purchase your own at a reasonable price. They can be deflated and easily stored away when not in use.

The exercise ball works on the principle of balance where your muscles are worked to maintain the balance, also known as stabilizing balls. This may sound quite simple in theory but do not underestimate it’s work-out potential.

You must select a ball that is appropriate for your height where you feet are flat on the ground and legs at a right angle when sitting upright on the ball. Not only does this heighten the effectiveness of your workout but also for health and safety reasons.

Because the exercise ball is quite a significant haul on the back muscles, it is essential to perform a short warm-up routine. This can be done using any of the standard form such as a few minutes on the exercise bike, or the treadmill. If you are not at the gym, a short walk or light jog is sufficient.

Following are 2 Stabilizing Exercises for your abs and back workout.

1) Exercise For Abs Workout – Seated

Sitting comfortably on the ball with feet flat to the floor. Keep your stomach in tight and body straight. Do each of the following exercises with a repetition of 10.

Lift your right heel with the toes firmly on the ground and then the same for the left.

Next lift the right foot completely off the floor, then, slowly lift the other foot in a style of slow motion marching.

Next, raise each arm one at a time.

To finish, alternate raising each arm with raising each opposite foot ,again, in a slow motion walking style.

2) Exercise For Abs Workout – Horizontal

Lie horizontal over the ball with your abdomen in the middle. Hands must be flat to the floor keeping them straight from the shoulder down. Do each of the following exercises with a repetition of 5

Use your hands to “walk” forward till the ball is situated beneath the thighs. Then, reverse the walk so you are back to the first position.

Repeat until the ball is at the thighs then remain in that position slowly raising your right arm then the left, one at a time. 5 repetitions then back to the first position.

Short rest

To finish, walk forward on your hands till the ball reaches the thighs, remain in that position, now do push-ups. Not too low on the first few, then back to the first position.

After the exercises it is important to do a few stretches to loosen the, by now, tight muscles of the abs and back.

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