Vitamins and Minerals-Why They Are Good For Your Health

March 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are very important substances that your body needs to keep it functioning well. It also supports the body’s growth and development. And because of its benefits, it is especially needed by children, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating women.

It is essential that you know how much or how little amount of every vitamin or mineral your body needs in order to avoid diseases that are often caused by a deficient supply of these vitamins and minerals. This is the reason why doctors and dieticians always recommend a balanced diet and an extra effort to check out the RDA (recommended daily amount) information at the back portion of those chips or beverages.

What Vitamins and Minerals Do
Below is a good glimpse of some essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. It also gives you a general idea of how they can actually benefit your body as well as the kinds of food you can get them from.


Vitamin A, found in liver, carrots, yellow fruits, and other green leafy vegetables, is essential for better appetite and sharp eyesight. A deficiency in this vitamin may cause night-blindness.

Vitamin B1, otherwise known as thiamine, is good for digestion and regeneration of tissues damaged by alcohol. Too much alcohol and coffee should be avoided especially if one shows signs of deterioration in terms of balance, concentration, and appetite.

Vitamin B12 is essential in the manufacture of red blood cells. It is generally found in meat. However, vegetarians can still get this vitamin from eggs, milk, cereals, and several other dairy products.

Vitamin D aids the body in absorbing calcium that is needed for stronger bones.

Folic acid, a kind of B vitamin, helps in generating new cells. A pregnant woman needs a sufficient amount of this vitamin to prevent the fetus from having brain and spine defects upon birth.


Calcium helps build stronger bones and teeth, increases bone mass, and reduces the risk of having osteoporosis as you grow older. However, too much calcium can spell kidney deposits and stones in the gall bladder, as well as headaches, high blood pressure, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Iron is a much needed mineral in the body because it is essential in the functioning of many organs. It is also an important ingredient of both red and white blood cells. For instance, iron forms part of the protein hemoglobin which is important in transporting oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Deficiency of this mineral can cause difficulty in concentration, irritability, and tiredness.

Magnesium is essential in converting food substances into energy. It also helps in repairing cells and the building of stronger bones and teeth. Further, it also helps in regulating the body temperature. Magnesium can be obtained from eating nuts, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables. The correct intake of magnesium lessens the risk of having diabetes, muscle spasms, weak bones, and high blood pressure. On the other hand, too much magnesium can cause diarrhea.

As you can see, taking in vitamins and minerals is really beneficial for your body. Thus, it is very important that you make sure that you get the necessary amount of these nutrients for your body. It helps if you see a doctor so that he will be able to assess the kind of vitamin or mineral that you need for your health.

Vitamins and Minerals-Some Facts You Need to Know

March 11, 2009 by  
Filed under Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are wonders that help one’s body to function properly. The main distinction between vitamins and minerals is that while the former is organic, the latter is inorganic. Organic substances are those found in plants or animals.

On the other hand, inorganic elements are those that come from water and soil and are often absorbed by plants and animals. Even if people know which food they can get these vitamins and minerals from, the challenge is on finding which ones have a higher vitamin and mineral content.

The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals

These vitamins and minerals are very important to your health mainly because they boost your immune system while simultaneously helping the cells of the body to grow and develop. It also helps in making bodily organs function properly. Every physical change that people undergo entails a lot of help from these vitamins and minerals. For instance, upon reaching puberty, teenagers go through so much growth and needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.

Types of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals can be classified into two basic categories. The first class is fat-soluble vitamins which are aptly called as such because it dissolves in fat before being stored in the body. Fat-soluble vitamins and minerals include vitamins A, D, E, and K.

The second class of vitamins and minerals are called water-soluble vitamins since they need to be dissolved in water before they can be absorbed by the body. Vitamin C, folate, riboflavin, niacin, B6, and B12, or otherwise known as the B-complex vitamins, are just a few of the so-called water-soluble vitamins. Your body is in constant need of this type of vitamin because if they aren’t used up entirely by your body, they will exit from it every time you urinate.

There is a third category that may be added to the first two which is known as trace minerals. These minerals are called as such largely due to the fact that the body only uses small amounts of these minerals everyday.

What Can These Vitamin and Minerals Do For You?

Basically, the best method of getting all the essential vitamins and minerals that one needs every day is eating a wide variety of food. Having the right balance of these vitamins and minerals is the key to staying healthy.

Here are a few of the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to help you stay healthy:

• Calcium does not only help your body grow since it also keeps it strong and healthy. Strong bones are attributed to this vitamin. Calcium is largely found in milk and yogurt.
• Vitamin A helps keep your eyes sharp.
• Vitamin K aids in the clotting of blood which is important in situations when you get cuts and scrapes. This is usually found in green leafy vegetables like broccoli or in soybeans and oatmeal.

There are more of these essential nutrients your body needs in order to keep it functioning at its optimum. It is important though that you get proper medical advice regarding your nutrient requirements before taking in a certain vitamin or mineral supplement because too much of it can be hazardous to your health.