Natural Remedy for Depression: A Fact or Fiction?

February 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Depression

Having depression may be the most difficult thing in the world. You may find yourself in the middle of a crowd and yet, you feel so alone. You have a lot of families within your reach but you feel so distant. Its like being alone inside a black hole and watching the whole world pass outside that hole and no matter how you want to go out in to the light, you simply just cant.

But not to worry, for families who have a loved one undergoing depression, there are numerous kinds of therapies specifically for treatment of depression. Aside from the usual medical treatments for depression such as psychotherapy and anti-depressants, there are now newly developed natural remedies for depression that are guaranteed side effect-free. Yes, they have been proven to be effective and not merely placebo drugs. Read on and learn about the techniques that are considered natural remedies for depression.

Vitamin B or Folic Acid
Studies have shown that people with depression usually lack a considerable amount of Vitamin B or folic acid in their system. Patients that have very low values of this vitamin were said to have a very low response to anti-depressant medications.

Folic acid can be found plenty in leafy vegetables, fruits and grains. There are also Vitamin B or folic acid supplements available in the market nowadays that you can take.

• Ther herb : Hypericum perforatum
This herb, more commonly known as St. John’s Wort has been used since the olden times to cure worry, sadness and inability to sleep. Scientific studies today have proven that this herb actually has an effect of improving depression in mild to moderate cases. Although this herb may not give that instant feel- good effect for depression (it was reported to take several weeks for a change to take effect), this has been known to be effective and a true natural help for depression.

This herbal medicine can have certain side effects on the user such as photosensitivity, dizziness and indigestion. This herbal medicine is also not recommended for pregnant women, children and patients with associated kidney problems.

• S-adenosyl-L-methionine
This substance also known as SAM-e is a chemical that is found naturally in the human body. This substance is believed to increase the concentrations of serotonin and dopamine – neurotransmitters that give that feel good effect and are chemically synthesized as anti-depressant medication.

• Omega 3
Omega 3 is a type of fatty acid that is essential for the normal development of the human brain. Human bodies cannot synthesize this substance on its own and thus needs to have an external source, through our diets. Scientific studies have actually proven this claim; the less omega 3 amounts are present in a person’s diet – the more likely is he prone to depression.

Omega 3 can be found in most sea foods and also are available in the market as a capsule supplement.

So for patients who have tried the usual medical treatment for depression, it would be recommended for you to give these natural remedy for depression a try.

Symptoms of Depression: When Should You Seek Help

February 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Depression

Clinical depression is a disorder characterizing an individual’s persistent and abnormal low moods and their loss in interest for socializing and in participating in normal things that would usually bring pleasure. Depression is an extremely lonely condition. That is why majority of the people who are affected with the condition will either not know that they are in depression or is in denial of the fact.

One important information on depression is that this can be an embarrassing condition for some. Depression when gone untreated can greatly affect a person’s life; his work and his relationship with other people. Most patients who have been experiencing depression are only diagnosed by the help of their families. When the people you love notice a different, low behavior from you and would seek medical help in your behalf. Some would actually report this experience themselves which is actually better since the person has already owned the condition and is more open to treatment and therapy.

There are several symptoms of depression will serve as warning signs for you. Read on and learn each symptom so that you will be able to detect this condition if ever you are faced with it in the future.

1. A depressed person may feel low and unable to take pleasure in things that he of she normally enjoys.
2. People experiencing this condition tend to be always preoccupied with feelings of guilt and self-worthlessness
3. Poor concentration coupled with memory gaps
People with depression will have unusual memory gaps and have difficulty in concentrating on a single activity. They always seem restless and anxious.
4. They slowly withdraw from social gathering and functions that he or she normally attends.
People with depression do not enjoy the company of other people, most of the time, even shutting out the people that they love from their lives.
5. They have difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)
People going through depression may sometimes become so preoccupied about something that once they wake up, it would be impossible for them to go back to sleep again.
6. There is loss of appetite resulting to very rapid weight loss, and sometimes, for other patients, rapid weight gain instead.
7. Some people experience physical complaints such as headache, indigestion and fatigue
8. In very severe cases, patients with depression can experience hallucinations and psychosis

So, always be on the lookout for these signs of depression, whether for yourself or for the people you love. The late diagnosis for depression is mostly due to misinterpretation of the symptoms as mere mood swings or tantrums. But the alarming fact is that majority of people that are going through depression have suicidal tendencies. That is why it is very, very important that this condition should be detected as soon as possible.

Educate yourself and get all the information on depression. And for those who have loved ones that have been diagnosed with the condition, never lose hope. There are now numerous therapies out there that you can try; from psychotherapy to natural depression remedies. Support groups have also been established to help patient go through this very lonely stage of their lives