Main Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

June 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

Diagnosis and prognosis of any disease is possible only on the basis of its symptoms. There are certain symptoms that trick doctors and patients as they could be the same for two differing types of diseases. Hemorrhoids symptoms are generally clear cut and so are less at risk of being wrongly diagnosed. Both external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids have some common symptoms, though there could be minor differences between the two as well.

The most common symptom of either type of hemorrhoids is bleeding. In the case of internal hemorrhoids this takes place internally and the patient may not become aware of it in the beginning. But the stool of those with internal hemorrhoids will be stained with blood. And internal bleeding often seeps out through the anus and stains the clothes or the sheet or the seat of the chair that the patient is using. To ascertain that the patient’s problem is hemorrhoids, doctors generally confirm whether there is any bleeding and then locate the source of the bleeding.

Internal hemorrhoids may sometimes get displaced from its original location. When an internal hemorrhoids starts protruding out of the anus, it is referred to as prolapsed hemorrhoids. It generally appears as a red mass of tissue outside the anus and maybe painless or painful, based on other attending circumstances. A prolapsed hemorrhoids may sometimes protrude only at the time of bowel movement.

When hemorrhoids are formed under the skin around the anus, it is known as external hemorrhoids. Sometimes blood gets pooled in external hemorrhoids and forms clots there. Then it is referred to as a thrombosed hemorrhoids. An external hemorrhoids also bleeds in most instances. And when blood clots are there, it is more painful.

There are certain hemorrhoids symptoms that become manifest only when movement occurs. As bowel movement involves some sort of straining in most cases, that is what often provokes a hemorrhoids and makes it more manifest and aggravates the problems connected with it. Cleaning the anal area, or rubbing it because of itching or irritation, can also aggravate hemorrhoids symptoms.

Much of the hemorrhoids symptoms become conspicuous because of the place where hemorrhoids are located. It is a very sensitive area. And the function of the area is such that it cannot be kept dry continuously. Because of it, hemorrhoids get provoked and irritated easily resulting in itching and burning and pain. Mucous produced at the area surrounding the hemorrhoids can also lead to irritation. The net result of all this is that in the case of hemorrhoids symptoms are interconnected and each one leads to more and more symptoms, spinning an unpleasant cycle.

In short, hemorrhoids symptoms are so conspicuous that it is unlikely that anybody would miss it. There could be other minor symptoms that can be traced to hemorrhoids but some of these could result from digestive problems as well. Rectal pain, bleeding, itching and burning in the anal area, are the main signs of hemorrhoids. When these symptoms are there, there is a very high possibility that you have got either internal or external hemorrhoids.

The Recurring Problem of hemorrhoids

June 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

Many people suffer from chronic hemorrhoids that flare up from time to time. Fortunately, there are many cures and home remedies for hemorrhoids. Every remedy may not suit everyone, since the most effective hemorrhoids treatment depends on the type or severity of your hemorrhoids. For some people a combination of hemorrhoids treatments might have to be used to get some results.

Changing the dietary pattern

Your diet has a direct impact on preventing hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are seen to be more prevalent in people living in certain geographical areas and one of the reasons for this is believed to be their eating patterns. People of the western world, in general, are found to be more prone to this disease. Diet with a high fiber content is imperative for those who are prone to hemorrhoids.

High fiber content of the food you eat increases the volume of stools and softens the stools so that bowel movements become less strenuous. The overstraining that harder stool necessitates is one main reason for developing hemorrhoids. A diet of plenty of fruits and vegetables will ensure that a person gets enough of fibers, and it will at least partially solve the problem. Besides being high in fiber, the diet should be low in fat and in processed and refined foods.

Another thing that people who are prone to hemorrhoids can add to their diet is bulking agents. Bulking agents are foodstuffs that are mildly laxative in nature. These are mainly things like bran, which when contained in food, adds to the volume of the stools and make it easier to pass. Bulking agents are mainly non-digestible and their functionality as part of a diet is very similar to that of fiber in food. These are not as strong as the laxatives that you buy from a pharmacy, but are safe for daily use without the side effects of laxatives. Besides diet, other preventive measures for hemorrhoids are avoiding of continuous standing and lifting of weights.

Local application of medicines

Ointments can be locally applied to get hemorrhoids pain relief. These may not caue a complete cure for hemorrhoids but can substantially relieve hemorrhoids symptoms like itching, burning, and bleeding. There are some home remedies for hemorrhoids which soothe the area and there are over the counter medicines like Tucks, and herbal remedies like witch hazel, which are said to be effective in relieving the pain. Hydrocortisone is also used in topical therapy.

There are some special home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can buy online from reputable companies, so there is no need for you to put up with the misery and pain that can be caused by hemorrhoids.

The Different Remedies for Hemorrhoids

June 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, which are one of the most inconveniently located diseases, can cause a lot of anguish to those suffering from this condition. The painful and irritating disease robs the sufferer of a lot of mental peace. The peculiar nature and location of the disease, combined with its tendency for recurrence, put some difficulties in hemorrhoids treatment. However, hemorrhoids can be treated.

Due to the embarrassing nature of this condition, people try to use home remedies for hemorrhoids or over the counter medication for at least temporary relief. While hemorrhoids do respond to many of these, a person should have some basic knowledge on the workability of medications for hemorrhoids before attempting self-treatment.

There are definitely hemorrhoids treatment options that are safe and free of side effects. Some of these are quite effective. The effectiveness may sometimes depend on the type of hemorrhoids that a person has got.

One of the common home cures for hemorrhoids is an ointment for relief of pain made from specific herbs such as Calendula and St. John’s Wort. Both these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties. Five days of consistent application of this special ointment normally reduces hemorrhoids symptoms. To test the effectiveness of the medicine, five days of continuous application should be followed by two days of non-application. If there is no relief, or if there is a worsening of hemorrhoids symptoms, a doctor should be immediately consulted.

Though it is considered a safe cure for hemorrhoids, individual exceptions would always be there. If the herbal ointment turned out to be effective, it can be applied for another five days. The ointment can be freshly prepared for application, or a larger quantity can be mixed together and kept in the fridge. Refrigerating is only for making it last longer. The refrigerated ointment can be applied cold and it does not have to be brought back to room temperature for application.

Besides the home remedies for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids patients are given ointments for application by doctors also. Hydrocortisone is very popular among doctors as an application ointment for hemorrhoids. Many cases of hemorrhoids, with symptoms like itching, burning, and irritation in the anal area, respond well to hydrocortisone ointments, substantially reducing discomfort within a few days of application.

One of the downsides of hydrocortisone is its side effects. These side effects are more or less hemorrhoids symptoms itself in that hydrocortisone causes increased itching and burning and a stinging sensation. While these symptoms could sometimes be side effects, it can also be a normal response of the body to the medicine. After the initial adjustment stage, these so called side effects may disappear on their own and the effects of the medication will be perceived.

Whether you are applying hydrocortisone, or using any home remedies for hemorrhoids, the area should be cleaned before application. The main difference between using an ointment made of natural herbs and using hydrocortisone is that while the former can be applied in abundance, the latter should be applied sparingly, as it is very potent. Each is, in its own way, effective as a hemorrhoids treatment.

The best home remedy for hemorrhoids treatment are special and natural lotions and creams that can be applied in the comfort and privacy of your home. These have been proven to be effective and convenient to use.

Remedies for Hemorrhoids

June 4, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

There are home remedies for hemorrhoids and many over the counter medicines work well as cure for hemorrhoids. Relief from the persistent pain, burning, and bleeding that is part of hemorrhoids is an absolute requirement for anyone to carry on with his daily work and responsibilities.

Some of the better known remedies to which hemorrhoids respond are mineral oil and shark liver oil. These are available over the counter and give relief by shrinking hemorrhoids. Other medicines commonly used for hemorrhoids treatment are Preparation H, Formulation R, Prompt Relief, Hemorrhoidal, and Rectacaine. These are FDA approved medicines and easily available so that non-availability of medicines generally does not pose a problem in hemorrhoids treatment.

To provide relief from the pain and burning, these medications have to be inserted rectally. All of these hemorrhoids medications come with a cleaning wad and applicator and complete set of instructions. The area has to be cleaned first with tissue and medicine applied using the applicator. Some of the hemorrhoids medicines also have a lubricator with it. The lubricator is meant to minimize the pain that a medicine could cause.

The general procedure is to clean the area first, then apply the lubricating medicine, and then apply the hemorrhoids medication. These should ideally be done four times in a day. Mostly the instructions are clear, but if you are in any doubt, it is better to check with a doctor and clarify your doubts.

Almost all the hemorrhoids medicines give at least temporary relief from the nagging pain of hemorrhoids. Most of these application medications have no side effects as well, and are safe to use. However, in the case of those who have a chronic case of hemorrhoids, these simples hemorrhoids treatment may not be sufficient. When there is persistent bleeding and much pain, more focused treatment may become necessary. Further, there could be others who are allergic to some of these medicines.

While these over the counter medications for hemorrhoids treatment may not be effective in some cases, it may not be advisable in the case of others. For example, some of these application medicines for hemorrhoids are not recommended for pregnant women. There is the risk of these entering the blood streaming and thereby eventually being part of the breast milk as well. Besides that, those with medical histories of blood pressure, or a heart condition should also check with the doctor on the appropriateness of the use of any of these over the counter hemorrhoids medications.

The available home remedies for hemorrhoids and over the counter prescriptions may not give relief for everyone. In some cases the stage of the disease and the type of hemorrhoids may be one that warrants more focused treatment. You will have to consult a doctor for that. Besides topical medications, there are special techniques used for shrinking hemorrhoids and the doctor specialized in the field will be able to recommend one most suitable for you.

How to Treat External Hemorrhoid

June 3, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

How to Treat External Hemorrhoid

External hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on the veins outside the anus, which causes the veins to swell. Both external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids can be painful, and quite discomforting with itching and burning sensations and bleeding.

There are medicines for local applications that have been found to be effective in the treatment of external hemorrhoids and many of these are available over the counter. But some of these medications have side effects.

One of the possible side effects of external hemorrhoids treatment is allergic reaction to the medicine. Since much of the hemorrhoids treatment is local application of creams and gels, it is easy for the skin to react negatively to some of these medicines. The skin in such private areas is more sensitive than the skin on the arm or leg. And if one has been having trouble with hemorrhoids for quite some time, it is possible that the skin surrounding the anus has become extra sensitive. So, the medicine may result in skin irritation in the area, and in short, the medication might turn out to be counterproductive.

Even where the skin is not extra sensitive, there could be other problems in the area like, say, an open wound. The medicine may react negatively with it. Further, the type of jelly like creams that are applied in the case of external hemorrhoids easily spreads to other body parts and may stain clothes. Application and body movements should be done carefully enough to avoid it.

Buying over the counter medicines, and managing self application, may sometimes work for external hemorrhoids. Still, it is best to consult a doctor to decide which is the best medicine, and which is the most advisable mode of treatment for hemorrhoids since there are different types of hemorrhoids treatment. A doctor will be able to give advice based on the patient’s medial history in relation to other diseases as well. Sometimes a hemorrhoids medication can react negatively with any prescription medicine that the patient might be taking for some other medical condition like depression or blood pressure. All these can be avoided by consulting a doctor.

If the symptoms of external hemorrhoids persist even after being under medication for a few days, it can lead to two inferences. Either the medicine is not effective to that particular condition, or there has been an allergic reaction to the medicine. It is better to stop the medicine under such circumstances and consult a physician before continuing with the treatment.

Ideally, a hemorrhoids treatment should show some sort of results, in the form of reduced burning or itching, within a week. If it does not, possibly the medicine is not working well at all. Or it could be that the allergic reaction is causing discomfort. Either way it is sure that the medication is not suitable. You have to then consult the doctor and seek the other options available for treatment for there are some more aggressive hemorrhoids treatments for getting rid of the discomforts of external hemorrhoids.

Exercise and Hemorrhoids Prevention

June 2, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are not a life-threatening disease, but it can cause a lot of pain, discomfort and embarrassment. A swollen, inflamed or bleeding vein in the anal area, which in fact what hemorrhoids are, can cause a lot of pain. The embarrassment caused by this condition is bad, and the way it interferes with a routine bodily function such as going to the toilet for bowel movement is worse – especially if it is a bleeding hemorrhoids or thrombosed hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids tend to affect older people, but today many people of all age groups suffer from this condition. Roughly one out of three Americans are found to suffer from hemorrhoids. Doctors sometimes suggest a genetic predisposition to developing the condition, though the genetic link is not fully established. However, physical inactivity is found to have a direct connection with developing hemorrhoids, that is, the more physical activity you have, the less your chances of getting hemorrhoids.

Since a direct correlation has been traced between getting hemorrhoids and remaining inactive, it can be inferred that having an active and fitness-oriented lifestyle can help to get rid of hemorrhoids or prevent them from developing. A well exercised and healthy body has the ability to prevent a wide range of diseases, including hemorrhoids. However, certain type of exercises are said to be specifically helpful in preventing this painful and embarrassing condition.

Having good muscle tone is a key aid in hemorrhoids-prevention. People with muscles that are supple and firm are by and large found to be less prone to hemorrhoids than those with bad muscle tone. Many of the exercises of fitness enthusiasts like walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, or yoga, are effective in controlling hemorrhoids. To have good effect, these should be done consistently. Most of the exercises that strengthen the muscles of the abdominal area, muscles of the buttocks, and sphincter muscles will have a positive effect in preventing and lessening hemorrhoids.

‘Buttocks press’ exercise is one strongly recommended for fighting hemorrhoids. It consists of just tightening the buttock muscles for several seconds and then releasing it and doing this repeatedly. There is no time and place restriction for doing this exercise and you can practically do it even if you are sitting in your cubicle in your office, or driving home, or watching TV. This exercise strengthens the sphincter muscles of anus, which is the place most prone to hemorrhoids.

On the dietary side, the biggest hemorrhoids-prevention aid is fluid intake. Fluid intake should be ample, and body should be allowed to have plenty of water before starting exercises and after finishing exercises. Eating fiber-rich food can also help to get rid of hemorrhoids medication and taking plenty of fruits and vegetables would ensure that your food is rich in fiber. There are many home remedies for hemorrhoids that you can also use in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Hemorrhoids Cure during Pregnancy

June 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Hemorrhoids

Though men are by and large found to be more prone to getting hemorrhoids, women become more prone to hemorrhoids when they are pregnant. The added pressure in the abdominal area, and the difficulty in bowel movements that some women experience during pregnancy, contribute to the situation. Once the symptoms point to the possibility of hemorrhoids, you should get immediate medical aid to minimize the pain and irritation that the disease causes.

A very high percentage of pregnant women, as high as fifty percent, could develop hemorrhoids. One redeeming fact is that these pregnancy hemorrhoids most often disappears once the pregnancy stage comes to an end. It is a condition directly related to the changes in the muscles in the abdominal area that happen during the carrying of the fetus, and the bowel movement patterns connected to it. As such, the hemorrhoids during pregnancy respond faster to treatment than some chronic conditions.

When a woman is carrying a baby in the womb, the added weight causes the veins in the lower part of the body to get dilated. Added to this, constipation is a problem that many women have to put up with during pregnancy. With the veins already dilated more than they need be, when a women is constipated as well, the veins react by getting swollen. These swollen veins are the hemorrhoids. There are prescribed and over the counter hemorrhoids treatments to control the problem.

Drinking water is perhaps the best hemorrhoids remedy. A minimum of eight glasses of water intake is mandatory during the pregnancy period for those who have hemorrhoids symptoms. Another requirement is a diet with high fiber content. Fruits, fresh vegetables, bran etc. are foods that provide a high fiber content for the body.

Good exercise is strongly recommended for a pregnant woman, even if there are no hemorrhoids symptoms. Kegel exercises are considered to be very good for women. This exercise consists of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles that support the bowel, bladder, and uterus. Toning up of these muscles remedies many problems in the area, including hemorrhoids.

While Kegel exercises can be preventive as well as curative, there are also other home remedies for hemorrhoids that will minimize the problem. Pregnant women, especially those with hemorrhoids symptoms, should not sit or stand at a stretch for a long time. They should change posture with reasonable frequency and walk around a little, and even lie down in between to rest the muscles.

If you are pregnant and have hemorrhoids, avoid lifting weights, preferably even moderate ones. Applying of soothing agents like petroleum jelly or other creams will help to release irritation due to hemorrhoids and will help bowel movements. Whether you have hemorrhoids symptoms or not, make sure that you eat a diet that is rich in fiber and drink plenty of water.