What Causes Low Male Libido and How to Increase It

February 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Male Libido

A problem that men face as they age is the fact that their sexual libido is on a downward spiral thereby affecting their capabilities in lovemaking. Thus, most men who are faced with this problem look for ways on how to increase libido. For sure, you have already seen so many online advertisements for libido enhancers and you wonder if these products really work. But before you buy a certain libido enhancer, it would be wise to know the reasons behind this loss of sexual drive.

Though a lot of men believe that age is primarily to blame because of their low libido, it is not the only one to blame for this condition. Many things are at play when you no longer feel the desire to have sex and this includes both psychological and physical factors. You would be surprised to know that in a majority of cases of decreased libido the reason is more of emotional than physical.

Stress can be a major contributor to the loss of libido. Having a hectic life can lead to depression and preoccupation that will rob you of your sexual drive. Of course, sex can be considered as a good way to relax, but you have to be a hundred percent ready before you can achieve total satisfaction and give the same to your sexual partner. Any negative feelings can kill your desires and lead to a poor performance. But if you know that nothing of the emotional sorts is causing your loss of libido, then you might wish to consider looking at the physiological causes.

Scientific studies show that the testosterone levels of men decrease by 10% every decade and this dip in testosterone levels can be blamed for low libido. Once a man experiences andropause, or male menopause, the testosterone levels are so low that performing during a sexual encounter is a big challenge.
Aside from the decreased sex drive, lower levels of testosterone can affect you in many ways. You might find your body fat increasing while your bone density decreases. Thinning of hair and irritability are also attributed to the lowering of testosterone levels.

If you feel you are suffering from a loss of libido and are attributing it to the fact that you are probably experiencing male menopause, you could go for the libido enhancers and libido boosters that are popular today. These products are good for your body because they aid in the production of testosterone and raises blood flow and oxidation. Not only that most products are formulated with proven aphrodisiacs which can surely increase libido.

A great thing about the products you see online is that they do not need you to secure prescription from your doctor, although it would be nice if you can consult one so that the reason, whether physiological or emotional, behind your libido loss is pinpointed.

You need not worry if you are experiencing a period of decreased sexual drive because there is a remedy for your situation. Along with regular exercise, proper diet, and the avoidance of stress, libido enhancers can surely improve your testosterone levels to a better mid-life sexual experience.

How to Deal with Andropause

February 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Andropause

The gradual reduction of male testosterone triggers a chain of various changes for the male human body. And as men age, they experience andropause over the years.

The reduced number of testosterone production makes men prone to other health problems such as heart diseases and weakness of bones. Most men suffer from male menopause symptoms which include loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, problems with memory and the like. However, there are a number of ways in dealing with andropause. Below, we’re going to discuss some of the basic ways on how to deal with this male condition.

The most basic way in dealing with this male menopause is to be more attentive on your own body. Be observant and notice any slight changes that you may be experiencing through the day.

Andropause is a gradual phase or transition. It is therefore important for you to be very attentive in your own physical and mental changes. Usually when your testosterone levels are reduced indefinitely, you experience generalized fatigue, problems with memory and confusion, you easily feel tired and anxious. Eventually, you also experience frustrated with diminished libidos. So, it is important to look out for these cues to detect if you’re in such state. However, just be mindful of these things because these symptoms are very vague and may indicate something else.

Another way in going about with andropause is through being attentive on your diet or what you’re eating. As much as possible, try eating healthy foods and avoid excessive unhealthy intake. Shift towards a healthier diet and do some exercises more often. Take in a decent amount of vitamins and minerals; be health conscious.

Doing exercises more often will help in toning your muscles and lose unnecessary weight. Best of all, it will do a good job in maintaining a stable weight and also it will help increase your endorphins. Endorphins are known to affect happiness levels and will help shove off depression which is a common symptom for andropause.

Another good advice would be to get therapy. Psychotherapy can help you in dealing with nervousness, anxiousness, and slower libido, which very common in andropause. This therapy would give you a slight edge on the mental side of the condition.

Aside from the ones mentioned above, another way to deal with male andropause is through male menopause supplements which function as a hormone replacement, while some others are simply herbal supplements. There are a lot of products in the market today which help in dealing with this condition. These supplements would help increase your testosterone levels, which you gradually lose during andropause. Aside from such, some claim to increase your libido back to the way it was during your 20’s. These supplements also boost up energy levels which is good in counteracting your current lethargy.

Basically, there are a lot of things we can do to deal with andropause. It is an inevitable event as we age but we can still do something about it. It just takes time and a lot of patience when dealing with this condition.

Andropause – The Basics About Male Menopause

February 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Andropause

Usually as a man ages, his bodily systems go through some changes. Some of these changes are very noticeable while some are unnoticeable. Women experience a certain period in their lives wherein menstruation starts its cessation. Menopause in women usually occurs between the ages 45 to 55. However, like women, men also experience andropause. In this article, we are going to tackle about some basic information regarding this “male menopause”. What is male menopause and what are its common symptoms?

Andropause is believed to be the reduction of male hormone, testosterone, and this happens as men grow older. Like women, men experience andropause around the ages 45 to 55. However, the decrease in these testosterone levels in men would start as early at around age 35. But unlike women, men experience this phase of their lives gradually and not abrupt with no visible cues to reinforce such occurrence. Usually this transition phase in men’s lives runs up to decades to take full effect. It is gradual and certainly covers a large amount of time. Certain changes in mood and attitude, agility, loss of energy and sex drive accompanies this transition phase for the male. Most medical practitioners consider this phase as a normal process of aging – which it is.

During andropause, testosterone levels of men begin to gradually go down. Because of such, this makes him at risk for other health problems which might include cardiovascular diseases and tenderness of bones. Some risk factors which might help trigger the onset of andropause would include psychological stress, alcohol intake, surgery or certain injuries, infections, obesity and some medications. Lifestyle takes a huge role in the start of andropause. Living an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle would therefore attribute to the start of the gradual decline. And although the age range has been identified when this phase takes place in man’s life, there is still no exact determinant on what specific age this event starts.

Andropause symptoms normally include the loss of libido or sex drive, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, depression, nervousness, impaired memory, generalized fatigue, irritability, insomnia, hot flushes and sweating, and the inability to concentrate and focus. However, these symptoms are very vague and broad and can be difficult to diagnose. Sometimes, different individuals would have different set of symptoms. But no matter what are the symptoms for this phase, the main thing is that the testosterone levels gradually decline in the male body.

Although our body deteriorates as we age and as we grow older, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take care of our own body. Maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle is essential in preventing the occurrence of such condition. There are some medications that can help men deal with the Andropause symptoms.

Men’s Health Issues – Three Common Situations a Man Faces

February 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Men's Health

Men’s health issues are different from women’s health issues because of how the physical body is wired for both sexes. The intake of food and other environmental factors cause men health problems that are both difficult and easy to remedy. Stated below are some men health issues that are usually experienced by men and the natural men’s health products that can help remedy the situation.

Situation # 1

Do you feel that you don’t have enough energy to indulge in your recreational activities at the end of the day? Despite having eight hours of sleep each night, do you still wake up tired? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you might be suffering from the condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Although you can get medical advice to address this men health issue, you can go natural by increasing your intake of coenzyme Q10. This is a compound produced by your body to improve the ability of muscles to convert the oxygen found in your bloodstream to usable energy. Research shows that people who took 100 mg supplementation of Co Q10 everyday for three months doubled their energy levels and lessened their symptoms by 90%.

Situation # 2

One major men health issue is erectile dysfunction. For pleasurable sex, it is important for a man to get a full and hard rock erection and maintain it throughout the sexual encounter. Many men fail to reach a stage four erection, which is the level when the penis reaches it maximum rigidity and is rock hard. However, people with erectile dysfunction have a hard time reaching this stage. Therefore, it is vital that those with erectile dysfunction take some special natural supplements for treating erectile dysfunction. These natural supplements are safe and effective, and they have the capacity to increase testosterone levels and suppress prolactin, an impotence-causing hormone.

The continued intake of these supplements will result to improved erections over time. But it is important that you must consult your doctor before taking this natural men’s health product if you are taking blood thinners and antidepressants because it interferes with the effects of these medications.

Situation # 3

Having children is something that most men want but if you are having difficulties conceiving one, you might want to give your swimmers a little help. The inability to conceive have various causes, but most often than not, the problem lies with a man’s sperm motility and health. This men health issue can be addressed by taking L-carnitine supplements. You might be familiar with L-carnitine as a men’s health product because of its fat-burning properties but beyond the weight aspect of this amino acid, it is greatly needed by the sperm to grow healthy and mature well. A fully grown sperm can easily fertilize a woman’s egg.

The above situations show that there is a natural way of remedying men health problems, which can be done by taking the proper supplements to combat a particular condition. The importance of keeping a mans health in its tiptop shape needs not to be mentioned because it in itself is obvious – a man has only one body to live in his entire lifetime.

Men Health Problems – Tips on How to Reduce the Risks of Developing One

February 25, 2009 by  
Filed under Men's Health

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life to enjoy everything life has to offer. Yet it is sad to note that lives are cut short because of health issues. Men, in particular, feel that they are made to be invincible against health issues but in reality they are not.

In fact, various men health problems affect men in the society today. But it is good to know that these health threats are easily preventable and treatable.

Here is a short list of men health problems that can challenge any man as well as the ways to reduce the risks of developing these health issues.

Men Health Problem # 1 – Heart Disease

It is a known fact that heart disease is a killer and men are mostly afflicted with it. In order for you to prevent this men health problem from developing, you should live a healthier lifestyle. Avoiding bad habits like smoking can be a good start. Drinking alcohol should also be done in moderation. Too much alcohol can raise a person’s blood pressure which is bad for the heart. A healthy diet coupled with regular exercise should be followed to keep fit.

Men Health Problem # 2 – Cancer

Cancer is another serious men health issue. Lung cancer is the leading type of cancer that causes death in men, followed closely by prostate and colorectal cancer. In order to avoid cancer, lung cancer in particular, smoking should be stopped. Even second smoke should be avoided as it can still lead to cancer. A healthy weight should be maintained by eating a diet that is composed mostly of fruits and vegetables. Exposure to other carcinogens like asbestos and radon should also be avoided. Getting regular cancer screenings is encouraged.

Men Health Problem # 3 – Sexual Problems and other genitourinary health problems

Next to heart disease, sexual health issues are some of the common men health issues.
The most common genitourinary health problems that affect many men include premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia, among others. Regular medical check up when you have any genitourinary problems is recommended. A regular check up even when you don’t have any problem can also help to identify any potential problems early enough to get the appropriate treatment.

Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are two issues that affect many men. At any stage of their lives, most men face this issue. Sexual performance can fluctuate for various reasons – a new partner, nervousness and anxiety to please, as well as an unfamiliar environment are some of the factors that can cause a man to have this problem. So a perfectly healthy man who is normally great in bed can have a temporary premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction problem for a number of reasons. However, some men have this problem on an ongoing basis – and luckily there are many types of remedies that can be used to treat these conditions so that every man can have a satisfying sexual life.

Another issue which is part of sexual problems is about penis size. Many men worry that perhaps their penis is not big enough to satisfy their sexual partners. While this particular issue is not a “health problem” as such, it is a source of worry for some men, and some men seek help for this issue.

Men Health Problem # 4 – Stroke

This is one men health issue wherein the risk factors involved are varied. Age, race, and family history are some of the factors you can’t do anything about. However, you have total control over the contributing factors leading to this condition. If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or have high cholesterol, it is a must that you follow your doctor’s recommendation with regards to treatment. You should also maintain a healthy diet by limiting the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in it. Foods with trans-fats should be avoided entirely. Smoking and drinking alcohol must also be minimized, if not all together stopped to help you prevent this men health problem.

Men Health Problem # 5 – Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the main issues that affect men. While this is not a health issue, it is a problem that affects many men. There are many types of medicines and treatments that are designed to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

Men Health Problem # 6 – Stress

Due to work-related, family or financial issues – many men suffer from high levels of stress. Unhappy marriages and relationships also cause some stress and agony for many men. It is very important for anyone to try and avoid getting stressed because high levels of stress can create health problems and strain relationships, which in turn cause more stress, creating a cycle that can be difficult to break.

Men Health Problem # 7 – Weight Gain

While many men take care about how they look when they are younger, some tend to neglect looking after their bodies as they grow older. After marriage and kids, many men do not care about maintaining fit bodies. Some men gain weight a lot and develop a “pot belly” or beer belly whereby the abdomen grows very large and protrudes. Men need to remember that it is still important to maintain a strong and fit physique even as they grow older.

These are some of the main possible men health problems or issues that a man can face today. Most of these men health issues can be avoided by following a healthy and active lifestyle.

Erectile Dysfunction – Most Popular Drugs

February 21, 2009 by  
Filed under Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are the three most popular erectile dysfunction drugs on the market today, but there are various differences between each erectile dysfunction drug that go beyond their mere manufacturers.

Pfizer created the brand name of Viagra from sildenafil citrate. It is an erectile dysfunction drug in the form of tablets that was approved by the FDA in 1998. So far, it has been concluded as safe and a great way in curing impotence in men.

When the penis is relaxed and full of blood, nerve signals release hormones and male erections take place. Viagra is an erectile dysfunction drug that aids in producing penis erections when something seems to come in the way of it. Since retaining blood in the tissues leads to ultimate stiffening, Viagra stops the chemicals that allow blood to flow out of the tissues.

Research has shown that almost 90% of Viagra users were satisfied with how this erectile dysfunction drug helps create and keep penis erections. Viagra usually takes half an hour to work, although sometimes it may take up to four hours. Given that sex lasts half an hour on average, this gives people plenty of time.

Eli Lilly Company created the brand name of Cialis from tadalafil. Similar to Viagra, Cialis is an erectile dysfunction drug taken in 50mg (though there are also 25mg and 100mg available). The dosage of Cialis is different from Viagra and is usually prescribed per individual.

Like Viagra, Cialis also usually takes half an hour to work, but the effect lasts for up to 36 hours after taking this erectile dysfunction drug. Research has shown that almost 78% of Cialis users were satisfied with how this erectile dysfunction drug helped in curing impotence, plus lasted much longer.

Bayer Pharmaceuticals created the brand name of Levitra, which GlaxoSmithKline and Schering-Plough have put on the market, from vardenafil. Similar to both Viagra and Cialis, Levitra is an erectile dysfunction drug that lessens the blood flow out of the penis. Research has shown that almost 80% of Levitra users were satisfied with how this erectile dysfunction drug helped in curing impotence within an hour. This erectile dysfunction drug can also last up to four hours, as with Viagra.

All of these erectile dysfunction drugs work the same way. Deciding which to use to solve erection problems depends on the patient’s personal circumstances, such as medical history, symptoms or diagnosis of the erection problems, as well as general heath.

If other nitrate -based heart medications are already being taken, Viagra should be avoided. Each individual must be investigated case by case, in order to find potential side effects to the erectile dysfunction medicine, such as those that may interfere with one’s blood pressure.

Patients will be warned, depending on the real reasons behind their erectile dysfunction. Make sure to consult with a professional consultation at all times before taking an erectile dysfunction drug.

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