
Reflexology and Its Benefits

Reflexology is an ancient art of medical practice started by the Chinese, Japanese and the Egyptians thousands of years ago. Reflexology is very similar to zone therapy.

Reflexology is a medical practice wherein the nerve ends situated in our feet, hands and ears are stimulated in order to a produce a positive impact on a medical disorder elsewhere in our body.

Relief from one medical disorder has a chain effect in bringing about relief from other medical disorders in the body. Holistic health is experienced by one from successful sessions of reflexology treatment.

Reflexology as a form of treatment is based on the concept that nerve ends in our feet, hands and ears are all connected to various organs of our body. The body is divided vertically into ten discrete sectors, five on the left and five on the right. Each one of these sectors is linked to certain organs of the body. Likewise the feet and hands also have discrete portions associated to these sectors of the body.

For example, the fourth sector on the left side of the body is associated with the ring finger on the left hand and the fourth toe of the left foot. So manipulation of the ring finger on the left hand and the fourth toe of the left foot will heal any medical disorder of the organs associated with the fourth sector on the left side of the body.

Any action on the distinctly demarcated portions on the feet or hands shows up a reaction in the organs related to the corresponding sector of the body. The action could be stroking, pressing, massage, squeezing, pinching, pushing, stretching or rotating. These actions are performed using hands, fingers, especially, thumb fingers. The reaction could be a symptomatic relief or even a positive health benefit.

Reflexology can be practiced on a person of any age, anytime and anywhere. All that matters is consistently applying it at periodic intervals, like, daily or alternate days. The reflexology practitioner needs to manipulate the nerve ends for not more than five minutes to bring in the desired effect..

Reflexology can also be self practiced at home at one’s own convenience. It can be included into the daily routine and practiced simultaneously with domestic work or office work. Stimulating specific areas on your hands while talking to someone over the telephone, having a roller under your desk in office to roll your feet on, are some simple ways of practicing reflexology.

Know how on reflexology can be gained through a few sessions of practice with a reflexology practitioner, browsing the net for information on reflexology, flipping through books or viewing DVDs on the subject.

Reflexology is known to be a great stress buster. No amount of physical health will help unless mental health is also optimally tuned to physical health levels.