Get Rid Of Warts with Herbal Remedies

April 24, 2009 by  
Filed under Herbal Remedies

Plantar warts are called so because they grow on the plantar, or the bottom of the foot. It is a skin infection caused by a virus and could cause pain, especially while walking. The virus seems to have strong location preference or maybe skin type preference, because they choose to locate themselves on the ball of the foot or on the heel, where the skin is comparatively thick, and experiences pressure while walking. Plantar warts mostly disappear by itself, after a period of time. But it has to be treated because of the pain, the difficulty it causes in walking, and also because it is contagious to a certain extent. And plantar warts respond well to herbal treatment.

A plantar wart starts as a virus infection and later gets covered with calluses. These start as small red, black, or brown spots and could grow big, or remain small. It feels like a lump under the foot. It is a collection of blood vessels, and may be warty, spongy, scaly, or lumpy in texture. Plantar warts are not generally a very complicated health problem, though pain while walking is a possibility. In some cases, there could be redness, swelling, severe pain, or bleeding, for all of which there are herbal remedies.

Most cases of plantar wart respond well to simple herbal therapy and most physicians can easily remove it. But sometimes they reappear after removal, or a fresh set of infection start after the first set has been removed or disappeared. Herbal therapy is most effective in preventing these reappearance of plantar warts after they disappear either by different modes of treatments or on their own. Different types of herbal remedies are also effective in curing plantar warts for the first time.

Herbal treatment for plantar warts works by strengthening the human immunity system and thereby preventing the appearance of the wart itself. There are herbal supplements towards this purpose and one of this is garlic, which people routinely use for day to day cooking. Tea tree oil is the other herbal supplement effective in herbal treatment of plantar warts. Though not as commonly used as garlic, this is a well known plant extract, which has become popular of late because of its medicinal properties.

Garlic: Many practitioners of herbal medicine suggest putting crushed garlic directly on the affect spot as a part of herbal therapy for plantar warts. By regular application of garlic, a wart is bound to disappear in less than two weeks. For the herbal therapy to be effective, garlic should be mashed well and made pulpy. After the wart is well-covered with the pulp, the area should be bandaged to prevent the garlic pulp from slipping off. It is best to subject the foot to this herbal treatment at night, when retaining the pulp there is less difficult.

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is also an herbal remedy for plantar warts, because of its antiseptic and antiviral properties. As an herbal treatment, all that is required is to apply a few drops to tea tree oil to the affected area. This should be done consistently and this herbal treatment should be stopped if it is found ineffective after more than three months.