Yoga Poses for a Healthy Mind and Body

February 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Yoga

Getting into yoga is to achieve a goal. May it be getting fit, improving physical wellness or easing out stress, the heart of achieving these benefits of yoga root from the poses. Yoga poses are very adaptive and personal. Ask yourself: are you more of the active or the concentrating type? Do you need to burn out extra calories or just want to relax? Go through what your goal is, because there is a yoga position that will suit it best.

Below are some of the yoga positions which has different benefits, pick your style:

On the floor or on your feet?
While exercising is known to be executed on yoga mats, one can opt for a seated or standing yoga pose. The former is beneficial for improvement of breathing and relaxing the body. Commonly used as a warm-up exercise, it is the starting point of other complex positions. For the latter type, it helps the body be invigorated; the legs strengthened and keep one’s sense of balance in better shape. Both can easily be adapted even during yoga video viewing.

A quiet mind and all that…
Aside from keeping the body toned, yoga can also keep the mind rested and healthy. One brain de-stressing yoga position is the Inversion pose. This special type not only makes the mind relaxed by improving the circulation of blood, but is amazingly believed to be helping out in the reversal of the body’s ageing process. Secondly, the more common is the Balancing pose, which improves development in the body’s motor coordination and keeps mind focus as it gets the balance needed.

Bend it, Stretch it, Twist it!
Yoga also exemplifies artistic ways of executing positions. Graceful movements target different areas needing attention and development. The Counter yoga pose stretches the backbone in away from previous position to return it to the normal posture. The next type is the Twist, which makes the back stronger, spine flexible and the abdominal muscles beautifully toned. As suggested by its name, a twist can help breathe in a fresh supply of blood as it circulated smoothly all over the system. Another type of back-intensified practice is the Bend, which can be executed either in forward or backward movements. Physiological benefits of this action can ease out tension, calm stressed mind and relax the nervous system; whereas the back bend strengthen not only the back but also the chest area.

And now…relax…
Drawing near to the close of the workout, Relaxation and restorative poses is needed to rejuvenate the system. All the efforts exerted from warm up, exercise proper and cooling down phase should end in a relaxed manner. The positions under restorative yoga poses are important to give some time to your body and mind to unwind. At the end of the session, the energy will be released throughout.

Attending yoga classes regularly will keep the discipline at pace. Slowly, one will develop to make the practice more relaxing to perform and the complex positions easier to follow. It should just be kept in mind that it takes one step at a time to master the routine and it should not go beyond the point where pain is felt. Overdoing these poses will just worsen the condition. So don’t rush or overdo, take it easy and choose the pose that’s fit for you.