Avoid Allergies: Use Home Purifiers to Minimize the Allergens.

August 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Allergies

Allergens are the non parasitic antigens. A good way to avoid allergy symptoms in people is by minimizing the number of the allergy causing products. An air purifier fitted at home or in the car helps to reduce the allergies. Allergic reactions arising due to allergy product which are air borne, can be kept away by using home purifiers.

We may come across different varieties of air purifiers in the market. The effectiveness one purifies differs from the other purifier.

Ozone or trioxygen (O3) is a triatomic molecule, consisting of three oxygen atoms. The molecules of oxygen are steady and they destroy the third atom of oxygen. This situation gives out unpaired atoms or ions which have electrical charge. Some home purifiers also create ozone.

The charged oxygen particles have adverse effects on the lungs. Since they are oxygen molecules and have energy in them, they give rise to chemical reactions on the body. A person may also suffer from skin or lungs cancer in harsh situations. Asthma symptoms become worse in people when they are exposed to big amount of ozone.

A sensitive person can even trace the ozone present in the air by smelling it. A standard home purifier forms less amount of ozone than the danger mark. The main intention of using it in the air purifiers is to mix with the allergy products which contain harmful particles and purify the air.

The home air purifiers have metal plates in it. They work by producing less intense electric charge on the metal plates. The dust particles and the extracts from animal skin or hair or other particles which give rise to allergic reactions are attracted on the plates with the use of fan fitted in the purifier. The plates should be cleaned every week.

Use of purifiers considerably minimizes the dust particles, smoke and other allergy products. The allergic reactions can be avoided, if a proper sized home air purifier is used. A large room will require a big purifier than a smaller room.

Good quality home air purifier has a HEPA filter in it. The HEPA filters attract the dust particles and the allergy products present in the air on the plates by charging them and hold them permanently instead of releasing them in air.

The prices of the home air purifiers vary in the markets. The costly purifier may not necessarily have a HEPA filter in it. The life of the purifiers is usually between three to ten years. Some of them can be washed and cleaned. Some other home purifiers can be used only for a year or two.

While selecting a purifier, one should also consider the noise generated by the air purifier. A good quality air purifier works in complete silence.
The home air conditioner or a heating device should necessarily have a good quality filter. This helps in reducing the dust particles and other allergy products from the air. The areas like bedrooms and offices where we spend most of our time, can be cleaned effectively by using home purifying device.