The Causes of Migraine Problems
Migraine problems can create enough havoc in a person’s life. A working person can lose precious working hours. A student can lose class hours, or worse, miss the examinations if she or he gets a migraine headache at the time of an exam, and even lose a semester. Permamnt migraine treatment so far have had limited success, and an effective and permanent remedy for migraine is yet to be found. However, the medical fraternity has analyzed the possible changes that occur in the body of a person suffering a migraine attack.
The changes that take place in the human system during a migraine attack are mainly related to the trigeminal nervous system. This is the body’s chief pain path to the nervous system. The trigeminal nervous system is very sensitive to changes resulting from the imbalances of certain chemicals like serotonin, which has a role to play in regulating the messages of pain that are taken to the brain.
We generally get a headache when our serotonin level is low. When serotonin level becomes low, the trigeminal nervous system produces a substance called ‘neuropeptides’ to balance the problem. These neuropeptides travel to the surface of the brain known as meninges. The neuropeptides interact with the blood vessels in the meninges causing them to inflame and dilate. It is this inflammation of blood vessels that translate as headaches or any form of migraine pain.
What exactly triggers off this low serotonin level and production of neuropeptides, and resultant onset of a migraine attack, is not fully known. Both environmental factors and internal body problems can initiate these changes. A combination of factors that can be hormonal, sexual, sensory, climatic, or those resulting from stress, tension, exhaustion, food habits, or sleep and wake cycles can lead to this and cause migraine headaches or other migraine symptoms.
Same environmental or internal factors can work differently for different people based on genetic traits, age, gender, mental health, use of certain medications, medical history, or treatments like hormone replacement therapy or contraceptive practices. Those who are more prone to migraine attacks might have more of these risk factors in them that can trigger migraine problems more easily.
How come that a person is forced to put up with migraine attacks?
Have you, rarely, or frequently, suffered from migraine symptoms? Has doctors ever suggested that some of your problems could be related to migraine? Is any of the risk factors mentioned above, which are likely to trigger a migraine attack, been part of your life? If you recognize in yourself any of the migraine symptoms, or suspect that some of your medical problems could be migraine-related, you have to consult a physician and confirm the diagnosis.
Migraine treatment and migraine relief are available. It is true that a complete failsafe remedy has not been isolated for migraine. But a combination of factors can help minimize the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. You don’t have to grapple helplessly with migraine headaches and migraine symptoms and lose precious man hours and suffer pain without submitting yourself to migraine treatment.