Stress – Stress Symptoms

March 31, 2009 by  
Filed under Stress

Some physiological stress symptoms include raised blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, a lower digestive rate, and a rise in blood sugar level. And although the stress symptoms are still being debated in both the psychological and medical communities, these are the stress symptoms that are generally agreed on.

Although more subtle, the psychological stress symptoms are just as important as any other stress. Stress symptoms that last for a long time often leads to irritation, making an individual hot-tempered and more prone to anger. This comes with impatience and the fear of coping with the present. Those who suffer from stress also find it harder to focus and have problems making everyday decisions.

These stress symptoms are usually related in some way. The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are both components of the brain that charge when stress comes into play. They then release something called adrenocorticotropic hormones (ACTH) that makes the adrenal gland react, and cortisol is released. The cortisol levels than fluctuate during the day and the excess cortisol can then be attributed to the “flight or fight” response one goes through when stress is present.

Stress can lead to tension in the neck, as well as bowel and stomach upset and other stress symptoms. If the stress persists, the immune system will also weaken, making colds more frequent, as well as other stress health effects.

If stress reaches higher levels, it may cause a shortened span of attention, a lower recall of memory and objectivity, as well as other problems of cognition. The higher the stress level, the harder it is for people to concentrate on everyday challenges rationally. Unreasonable anger, moodiness and unwarranted feelings of injustice are regular stress emotions that follow.

Depression, inexplicable tears, apathy, increased fear of failing, as well as an overall sense of doom are other stress symptoms. These are extreme stress cases, however, and do not always occur.

The struggle between “I can’t” and “I must” is the main element of stress, causing a lack of confidence in dealing with everyday challenges of life. This then, in turn, becomes a prophecy that is fulfilled in the long run.

Stress reduction is completely feasible if one focuses on the stress symptoms, and evaluates them and their consequences. In fact, stress might even be completely eliminated this way, whether in the short term or the long term.