
Anxiety: Warning Signs and Preventive Measures

Anxiety is the excessive state of worry about menial, ordinary life events. People with anxiety tend to worry too much about very small things; money, weather, accidents, etc. Anxiety can greatly affect a person’s life; it can hinder you from doing your job and even interfere with the relationship you have with people around you.

Early diagnosis of anxiety can help a lot in its treatment. Hence in is very important that one can learn how to read the symptoms of anxiety. Here are emotional and physical warning signs that you need to watch out for:

Unrealistic worries
• Wrong and exaggerated view on problems
• Irritability
• Insomnia or trouble sleeping
• Oversleeping
• Fatigue
• Dizziness and occasional migraines
• Restlessness
• Heart palpitations
• Shortness of breath
• Indigestion

When the brain tells the body that there is a clear and present threat, the body prepares itself for quick actions and faster thought processes thus resulting to the increase in heart activity and respiration. It helps us stay focused and alert any situation that may appear.

These symptoms by themselves could be read as normal physical complaints but when they gradually appear at a close period on time and at greater frequencies, and then maybe, that is anxiety that you are facing in beyond the normal. Anxiety attacks may not happen to all patients diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Although the actual presence of danger is not true, the feeling of danger that the patient perceives is real, and hence could sometimes be mistaken as a heart attack.

So to everyone who has detected these anxiety symptoms on your friends and loved ones then maybe its time that you intervene and ask for anxiety help from a medical professional. Although anxiety is considered as a normal feeling for human beings, having too much of it can damage a person’s life. This makes immediate treatment from excessive anxiety very crucial.

How can you prevent these things from ever happening to you? Simple, by taking time for yourself, getting away from all the stress at work and by spending some time with family and friends. Go out of your way to relax and unwind. Always find a group of people where you can talk to and perhaps have fun over the weekend. This is one way of lessening the chances of an anxiety attack.

Excessive anxiety disorders can be prevented. It just all boils down to not taking life too seriously. Stress is always present in our lives – at work and even at our very own homes. It is perfectly normal to feel anxious when we have problems or fear when we sense a threat. As a matter of fact, anxiety can be good for us. But we should not let worries and fears the best of us. It is just a matter of learning how to manage it and balancing everything out in our lives; and if you have difficulty of doing so, they your family and friends are there to help you out.