
Headache – The Common Symptom

Headache, or otherwise known as cephalgia, is one of the most common manifestations of all physical illnesses we experience. It is considered to be a symptom rather than a disease process. It may be related to a pathologic disease process, a response to stress, dilation of blood vessels, and tension in the skeletal-muscle areas. Sometimes, it is a combination of these factors. Headaches are considered to be one of the most common complaints in the physical integrity of man.

Headaches are generally classified into two – primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are the ones which has no clear identification of its organic origin or cause. These would include migraines, tension headache and cluster headache.

Migraine is a complex symptom which is generally attributed to a series of periodic and recurrent attacks of severe types of headache. Based on scientific research, there is no real understanding as to what is the cause of such symptom. It is basically a vascular disturbance that is more common in women and is generally connected within familial attributes and links. Migraines have the highest occurrence in the adult phase of human lives. The onset of such symptom usually appears at the start of puberty.

On the other hand, tension headaches are the ones that tend to be chronic than severe. This type is the most common type of headache. Usually in this type of headache, the pain starts to radiate from the eyes, back, neck and the other muscle parts of the body. The common feeling of this type is best described as a constant pressure on the head. Pain from this kind can sometimes be mild or moderate, but rarely severe. Meanwhile, cluster headache is a severe form of vascular headache. This type is generally more common in men than women.

Secondary headaches are a type of headache that is usually associated with an organic origin. This can be due to brain tumor or aneurysm. Most headaches don’t always equate to a serious disease but persistence and continuous reoccurrence would definitely require further studies and investigations. Common disorders related to headache include brain tumor, severe hypertension, head injuries, meningitis and the like.

A common management of headache is through administering pain relievers. This can either be in the form of analgesics such as paracetamol or acetaminophen. Other NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are also used to treat the pain brought about by the said symptom. Sometimes, this can be resolved through proper bed rest and relaxation. In recurrent headaches however, it is best to immediately consult your physician as soon as possible. This can be a symptom that a certain disorder is precipitating in your system and may require immediate attention.

Headaches, more specifically migraines, are likely to occur on individuals who are overly tired or stressed. Sometimes it doesn’t need a pharmacological intervention to alleviate someone from headaches. Sometimes proper sleep, regular meals, exercise and avoidance of stressful activities are best to prevent the occurrence of such symptom in our busy lives. With this, it is definitely wise to live a healthy lifestyle.