Overactive Bladder

Overactive Bladder–Know More about It

Having an overactive bladder can spell a difficult time at work or in social gatherings. A constant need to have bathroom breaks in the middle of a meeting or a party is already an indication of a bladder problem. This health condition can bring you embarrassment, force you to isolate yourself, restrict your career growth, and utterly ruin your social life.

Overactive bladder is a bladder problem that is characterized by a sudden need to urinate. Your kidney, nerves, and muscles all play key roles in the human body’s complex system of filling and emptying the gall bladder. Any disorder in the other parts of the body can cause a problem in the system and contribute to an overactive bladder. A person who is in a more serious condition would find it difficult to defer urinating a little while longer. In fact, overactive bladder can lead to what is called incontinence or an involuntary loss of urine.

One should not feel disheartened when having a condition like the overactive bladder. An analysis of its causes would tell you that it is very treatable. In fact, there are a lot of treatments that don’t simply alleviate the symptoms, but also help you mitigate the impact of the condition to your everyday life.
Doctors have found it difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes overactive bladder.

The following are just a few common causes or factors that contribute to overactive bladder.

• High intake of fluids
• Poor Kidney Functions
• Diabetes
• Severe urinary tract infections
• Inflammation of the Urinary Tract Tissues
• Bladder abnormalities like tumors or stones
• Obstruction of bladder outflow that may be caused by prostate enlargement, prior related operations, or constipation
• Too much caffeine or alcohol
• Medications that require lots of fluids

The signs and symptoms that can certainly disrupt your life would include sudden urges to urinate, incontinence following a sudden urge to urinate, frequent urination that can sum up to at least eight times in just one day, and waking up two times or more at night to urinate.

Studies have shown that people who suffer from overactive bladder would usually forego going to the doctor dismissing it as a mere trivial personal matter. However, doctors advise that one should not wait until it becomes very inconvenient and disrupting before seeking treatment.

It is also worthy to note that a cancerous tumor can be a serious underlying condition that may cause incontinence or overactive bladder. Also, some neurological disorders have been found to be connected with overactive bladder like Parkinson’s disease, stokes, and multiple sclerosis.

Older people are not only at higher risks of having overactive bladder. Conditions like prostate enlargement and diabetes make them more susceptible to conditions that aggravate a dysfunctional bladder. While overactive bladder and incontinence are common to older people, it is not normally considered a part of the aging process.

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