Sexual Health Issues

Sexual Health Issues–On Being Aware of Key Risks

Sexual health issues involve a wide range of factors from sexual behavior to social factors, biological risks, and genetics. It embraces HIV problems, unintended pregnancy, abortion, cancer, and infertility, among many others. It is also influenced by chronic illnesses, violence, and mental health. Intervention of trained professionals is required in addressing these issues at the community, family, and individual levels.

A more in depth understanding of sexuality, gender, and power is also required to fully appreciate their significance to the society today. More challenges also await in terms of their impact on reproduction and pleasure, just as the same presents a wide array of opportunities to improve sexual and reproductive health.

Sexual Health Defined
Sexual health refers to one’s well-being with regards to sexuality and taken in terms of physical, mental, emotional and social states. It does not refer to a mere absence of a disease or disorder. It entails a positive and delicate approach to sexuality and sexual intercourse and relationships, including the chance of having pleasure without worrying about safety, coercion, violence or discrimination. Most importantly, it demands that a person’s sexual rights are respected and protected.

Sexual Diseases STDs
Otherwise known as sexually-transmitted infection (STI), a sexually-transmitted disease is an infirmity whose transmission is probable between animals or humans through sexual contact. A great concern is directed on the fact that infected persons can potentially infect other people even without revealing any sign of the infection. Other forms of transmission of a sexually-transmitted infection include IV drug needles, childbirth, and even breastfeeding.

Sexually-transmitted diseases are transmitted easily through the penis’ mucous membranes, rectum, vulva, urinary tract, eyes, throat, mouth, and respiratory tract. Pathogens can even pass through the breaks or abrasions in the skin, even how minute they may be. The friction which results from penetrative sex makes the mucous membranes of the penis susceptible to infection. Even feces, sweat, and urine are possible sources of infection, aside from venereal fluids. They differ mainly in the form and amount needed for the pathogens to actually cause the infection.

The chance of transmitting the infection is greater through sex than by other casual non-sexual means like touching, shaking hands, or hugging. There are also some sexually-transmitted infections that are easier to transmit than others. Some infections are easier to transmit through the genitals than from mouth to mouth.

How to Avoid or Reduce the Risk of Infection
While some professionals would suggest that safe sex through the use of condoms is a dependable way of reducing the risk of acquiring STDs from sexual contact, it is not an absolute protection. Even the transfer of body fluids and exposure thereto through blood transfusions and sharing needles can put an immaculately clean individual at risk.

Nonetheless, prevention is still the answer to addressing sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and herpes. Vaccination prior to having sexual contact is suggested to ensure maximum protection from STIs like Hepatitis B and HPVs.

Being aware of sexual health issues enables every person to be empowered with the knowledge for their own protection. It is a topic to be dealt with utmost importance so the negative sexual issues that are prevalent in the society today are lessened.