Cold Sores

Cold Sores – Causes and Cures

Unlike common viral infections, there are small, tiny, blisters that usually appear on an around the mouth. These tiny sores seemed to be watery and are usually painful to the touch. These are commonly known as cold sores. But what are cold sores and what causes cold sores?

Cold sores are tiny, painful, blisters or sores that usually develop in and around the lips, the mouth, and the nose area. The sores can be really painful and often last for a week, but for some reason, cold sores often reoccur.

One of the major causes of cold sores is a virus known as herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes simplex infections are quite contagious. People infected with this virus are most contagious when the blister-like sores are present. When infected, the virus travels to the nerves and to the skin resulting to the formation of the herpes cold sores and at times, it can start multiplying to the other areas of the skin forming new cold sores.

So, how to prevent cold sores? The herpes simplex virus is transferred from person to person by direct physical contact like kissing, or from a close skin contact with a clear skin that has the cold sores virus. Infected saliva can also be the means of passing on the virus. Therefore, to prevent the infection one must stay distant from the person infected with the virus. Any slight contact with the infected skin can result to contamination and viral infection. Also, when you’re exposed to an infected person, you should make sure that you have a high immune system to prevent the infection.

So, how to get rid of cold sores? Although cold sores commonly don’t require medical help or cold sores treatment, some attacks or outbreaks would appear to be severe. This is especially true when the sores are associated with high fever or bleeding, and lasted more than a month. If so, the usual cure for cold sores should not be used but instead, one must consult a physician or health professional immediately. But if the sores are just a few, small, minor blisters, it is best to just follow some simple home remedies for cold sores.

Some remedies for cold sores are topical, which come in the form of creams or ointments that are to be applied directly to the sores or in pills, which are to be taken orally. Either way, some treatment of cold sores offer only temporary relief from itching and pain. Examples of this are creams that contain benzocaine, lidocaine, tetracaine, or dibucaine. These are known to relieve itch and burning sensations for a short time.

So, how to get rid of cold sores fast? Other over-the-counter medications are known to decrease the sores healing time, getting rid of cold sores fast. Examples of this are creams that contain docosanol, penciclovir, or acyclovir. These creams are known to be fast cold sores remedies.

Another known home remedy for cold sores is L-lysine. L-lysine is an essential amino acid that is taken to stop and inhibit the growth and replication of the virus, and it is one of the widely-used remedies for cold sores. However, it is still highly recommended to consult professional help first before taking any medication, especially if the patient is nursing or pregnant.

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