
Controlling Eczema with Diet

Skin being the organ that covers the entire body, it requires constant nourishment to keep it healthy and free from the various infections that can affect the skin.

The food you eat influence the condition of your skin. Eczema may increase or subside based upon what the patient eats. Following a healthy and nutritious diet is one of the natural cures for eczema.

Such is the skin sensitivity in the case of some eczema patients that the presence in their diets of some foods that we routinely eat can trigger an eczema attack. For example very ordinary things like wheat, peanuts, soy, corn, eggs, cow’s milk, lemon, tomato, or shellfish can become triggers for some people. Food preservatives can also bring about an eczema attack in yet others. Because people are different, different types of foods or skin care products can trigger eczema.

In the case of some people prone to eczema, the reaction would set in even within a couple of hours after eating the food that could trigger the attack. It may not be so fast for others, and a time lag of six hours to one day might be the time taken for them to have the eczema symptoms to appear.

The eczema symptoms, to begin with, may be redness or swelling of the skin, sneezing or wheezing, vomiting or diarrhea, or itchy eyes or abdominal pain. To minimize the chances of another eczema attack due to wrong food choice, those who are prone to eczema can note what had caused the attack, and try to avoid that food in the future.

Nutritional supplements as a preventive mechanism for eczema works very well for many people. For example, having a tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day, or flaxseed powder for those who prefer it that way, can control eczema related inflammation for many.

Another food item that has ameliorating effects on eczema symptoms is evening primrose oil. Because of the omega-6 fatty acid, known as gamma linolenic acid, that it contains, it can prevent the onset of an eczema eruption. This eczema cure is popular in Europe and 2 to 4 grams for daily intake, taken with food or after food, is the suggested dosage.

Zinc is another dietary supplement that will help with eczema. The advised dose of zinc is 30 mg per day and above that could turn out to be counterproductive as a high dose of zinc can lead to copper deficiency in the body. There is no doubt that a proper diet and correctly chosen dietary supplements will go a long way as an eczema cure.

There are also some specific creams that can be used to get rid of eczema effectively.

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