Moisture as an Eczema Cure

June 23, 2009 by  
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Moisture is an important ingredient of eczema treatments for those who are suffering from eczema or prone to eczema.

While skin has always to be kept moisturized to keep it healthy and toned, it is also one of the natural cures for eczema. Moisture ensures that skin is not broken anywhere and this in turn ensures that the skin does not become a breeding ground for bacteria. It is one of the best ways in which a person can defend himself against eczema.

Water is the essential agent that keeps the skin moisturized, but excess of water may also dry the skin. Water should be allowed to seep into the body, but only for short periods. An ideal scenario for eczema sufferers is to have a short bath with water that may be cool, warm, or lukewarm according to personal preference. There are people who prefer to soak themselves in a warm or cool bath based on the season. They are not advised to do it if they are prone to eczema.

If your profession or obligations force you to be in contact with water quite frequently, a good eczema protection gear will be a pair of rubber or vinyl gloves. Since rubber and vinyl have problems with sweat absorbing, you should preferably wear cotton gloves beneath the rubber or vinyl ones. Busy housewives who forever remain caught in cycles of cooking, laundry, washing vessels, or baby care are forced to be forever in contact with water, and are more at risk for getting eczema if they are prone to it. Gloves are a must if you have eczema on hands or any other eczema symptoms.

The cleaning agents you use, like your soap or other cleansers, can have an effect on eczema prevention. Whatever you use should be mild, and Dove is something ideal. Neutrogena products are also good, and centaphil is strongly recommended for those with a bad case of eczema. Sorbolene is a good eczema cream for cleansing as it will retain the natural skin oils. For those with eczema, an emollient oil is best for bath, and an emollient ideal for after-bath application also. Emollients are moisturizers that come as lotions or creams and can be applied frequently to keep the skin moist and thereby prevent eczema.

For the moisture to be effective as an eczema prevention, moisturizer should be applied soon after getting out of the bath when the skin has not fully dried and is a bit damp. Some good moisturizers that guard the body against eczema are Emu Oil, Aquaphor, Moisturel, Curel, Alpha Keri, Lubriderm, and Vaseline. It may be a bit tedious to apply moisturizers a couple times a day. But it is so good for preventing eczema that it can even be considered one of the natural cures for eczema so that those who are prone to eczema cannot neglect it. If not three four times a day, moisturizers should at least be applied early in the morning and before going to bed at night.

One of the home remedies for eczema is an oatmeal bath. This too works as an eczema prevention by keeping the skin moisturized. Aveeno has a bath product that is produced out of finely powdered colloidal oatmeal. It is very good as a moisturizer and for relieving minor eczema symptoms. Anyway, using the oatmeal that we daily use can also be a good substitute. Another of the home remedies for eczema is a mixture of cocoa butter and oatmeal with a little of shea butter.