Weight Loss

The Best Online Weight Loss Guides

Our team of experts has reviewed several weight loss guides, and picked the ones that really work and can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Today, more than ever before, losing weight and getting in shape is a continuous battle for many people of all ages.

Because of the need to look great by being in good shape, have lots of energy to do all the things you want to do in life, and also for health reasons – many people would like to lose weight and keep it off.
Whether you are looking online or in a bookshop, you will find many guides that promise to help you get rid of weight. However, due to the many products and guides which are available, it can be quite confusing looking through all those products to find the ones that really work.

Many people wanting to lose weight have tried many products and guides. Some of these guides are completely useless at helping people lost weight and achieve their ideal weight. Other weight loss guides teach unhealthy weight loss tactics which can be detrimental to your health. Even if you manage to starve yourself and lost a few pounds with these tactics, the weight quickly comes back on as soon as you stop starving yourself.

It need not be this tough to lose weight. Anyone can lose weight, achieve their ideal body weight and have a great looking body.

Have you tried every diet and weight loss guide online and failed to lose weight?

Have you bought every book that promises you to have that great body you desire, but you are still overweight and do not like the way you look and feel right now?

Have you lost a little bit of weight through unhealthy ways such as depriving yourself of basic nutrients that your body needs and denying yourself some of your favourite foods?

If you said Yes to any of the above, this is for you.

Our team of weight loss experts have tested all the weight loss guides online for you. We have brought together four of the most effective and top selling weight loss products here with accurate and unbiased reviews. Please take the time to read each review and then check out each of the products for yourself.

These books have helped millions of ordinary men and women to lose weight and keep it off, and you too can achieve your ideal body weight through using any of these products.

Start working towards the body weight you love today by using any one of the guides below!

Top 5 Weight Loss Guides

#1 – Fat Loss For Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Fool Proof Diet Program

“What can I eat to lose weight” – this is the question most people wanting to lose weight ask. Diet programs are great tools for losing weight because they outline what you must eat. Besides that, for the diet programs to work effectively, certain activities such as exercises, walking and occasional swimming activities etc are essential.

Fat loss 4 idiots is one such diet program that is very simple and basically guides anyone who doesn’t want to spend the whole day thinking of what food to prepare and eat in order to lose weight.

Fat loss 4 idiots was initially introduced in 2004. The idea for the diet is very simple and easy. It is based on an online diet generator which provides a fat loss 4 idiots menu. This is based on a 14 day food cycle. This includes 11 days of planned meals and 3 days of “cheat” meals. It’s really simple just input the food selection you want for the day, and then the online diet generator provides you with the well balanced list for the entire day. It’s basically simple, hence the name fat loss 4 idiots.

Fat loss 4 idiots diet food listings are generally made up of lean protein, vegetables and fresh fruits. Its fat source comes from whole foods such as eggs and cottage cheese. Starchy carbohydrates like pasta and oats are also provided in some occasions. Basically, the daily diet is subsequently divided into 4 meals with a minimum interval of 2 ½ hours. This makes a hassle-free solution for everyone. There’s no need for calorie counting and best thing, there’s no limit. You just need to “just eat short of being full” as fat loss 4 idiots diets suggest.

Fat loss 4 idiots claims a 9 pound loss every 11 days. While this is achievable using the diet alone, you will need to also do some regular exercises if you want to lose the weight and keep it off.

Food menus listed in the fat loss 4 idiots diet generator are quite good choices. There is no exact caloric breakdown for the food listings – and the general rule is that you must “just eat short of being full”. The menu prepared by fat loss 4 idiots diet is high on protein, somewhat low on fats and has a reduced quantity of carbohydrates. Choices are laid out for its clients; and so, you don’t need to worry about a single thing about nutrition and the entire caloric intake and such.

As a summary, Fat loss 4 idiots may be considered a diet program but it would be more like a recommended list of foods for the day. As mentioned before, if you don’t want spend your valuable time reading a book regarding diet programs, then this diet program could be just for you because it comes with an amazing tools that helps you eat right.

Just open up your browser, check the diet generator, and fill it up and voila! You have your recommendations for today’s meal – simple and direct to the point. What you eat plays a major role in your health and weight – so this tool is amazing because all you need to do is to follow the lists of foods that you should eat in any given day.

We give the Fat Loss 4 Idiots product a 5/5 rating.
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#2 – Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle – The Truth Behind the Hype

People cannot help but be skeptical about buying a book on weight loss and muscle building when it is authored by a body-building champion like Tom Venuto. In fact, the first images that would come to mind will be hulking great muscles that are probably not everyone’s goal of an ideal body. However, scanning through the first few pages will soon disprove this because the book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is actually a comprehensive resource of information on losing fat, gaining muscle, and ultimately attaining a healthy body.

Readers might be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the book and the fact that it is filled to the brim with pages after pages of information. At a hefty 340 pages, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle has very few illustrations but is nevertheless very descriptive. The overriding concept behind the book is “learning to be your best” which essentially puts the reader at the helm of his own fitness plan. It teaches the reader to set personal goals and provides various tools to guide him along. The book presents the relationship between eating right and keeping fit and analyzes the mechanisms of metabolism and the interdependence of fat burning and muscle gain.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle devotes a lot of discussion on proper nutrition and painstakingly differentiates the various food groups and their roles in keeping the body fit. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle provides a guide on calculating the right amount of nutrient based on body type and goal. In fact, what is most interesting about this book is that it recognizes the fact that different body types require different approaches in terms of exercise and nutrition. Readers are guided into determining their body type to get them started on specific plans appropriate for them. The book further expands the discussion on nutrition with bonus recipes and guidelines about “how to grade your food choices”, “foods that burn fat” and “foods that turn to fat”.

Of course, a body-building enthusiast like Tom will definitely include workout routines intended for weight-training. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle emphasizes the importance of combining cardio and weight training in burning fat. It also features new information about strategies to get the most out of workout sessions. Readers are guided into calculating their Basal Metabolic Rate which is actually the base amount of calories burned each day. There is also a section devoted to answering the most common exercise questions which readers will find very informative.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle delves into a discussion of supplements and their role in weight loss and muscle gain. The author is clearly averse to using drugs and supplements and dispels a lot of myths about “health food” fads and diet pills. The book also provides new, surprising information about diet and nutrition advertising that readers will find very useful. For example, it shows how many food manufacturers label products to get away with practically lying to consumers about the contents of their product. It also exposes what many people do not know about powdered and liquid meal replacement formulas.

Perhaps the most unique thing about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is its concept of “learning to be your best”. It encourages the reader to be more involved in, and to steer his own health and fitness plan. Rather than plainly cramming workout routines and diets, the book chooses to empower the reader with the right information so that, on his own, he can plan out the most effective way to attaining his ideal body. The hype about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is well-grounded on information that is helpful and useful for as long as the reader is truly committed to helping himself to get fit and stay fit.

We give the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle product a 5/5 rating.
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#3 – The Truth About Six Pack Abs

Getting to the Bottom of The Truth About Six Pack Abs

With the thousands of books and videos coming out promising washboard abs in no time, it is no wonder people are getting jaded about shelling out their hard-earned money only to fall victim to yet another scam. It is very difficult to differentiate fact from fiction when it comes to diet and exercise because practically anyone can claim to be an expert and churn out books and videos containing nothing but recycled fads.

When Mike Geary, the so called “six pack abs guru”, came out with The Truth About Six Pack Abs, many people must have flinched at the thought of yet another rip-off. However, going through the e-book yielded many surprising new facts about dieting and exercise which are very interesting.

Unlike most books and videos that simply shove routines and diets up your face, The Truth About Six Pack Abs takes a more careful and scientific approach to weight loss and toning muscles. The first part of the book actually discusses the structure of the body’s midsection and explains how doing certain movements stimulate the muscles in this area of the body. Readers will be surprised to learn that some traditional exercise routines like doing crunches and twists can do pretty much nothing to help get the ab muscles in shape. Doing these exercises incorrectly can even cause strains and injuries while simple, safe, and easy to follow exercises can deliver much better results. Plus, the book explains the body’s metabolic mechanisms which, in turn, explain why eating certain foods can actually make you lose weight faster.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is quiet comprehensive. We all know that getting in shape is only possible and sustainable with BOTH exercise and proper diet but sometimes it takes someone like Mike Geary to really bring home the point. The book not only discusses routines that target specific muscle groups but it also includes a nutritional plan to complement physical exertion and get the best results. The Truth About Six Pack Abs includes a menu for the different meals throughout the day with recipes and detailed nutritional information to guide the readers. The recipes are surprisingly easy to follow. The book also identifies the hidden harm that some “health food” can actually do. There is also a discussion about the thermic effect of food and the significance of meal frequency to successful weight management.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs describes more than 50 exercise routines ranging from beginner to more advanced workouts. Again, the book takes a painstaking approach at the mechanics of body movements, analyzing the effects of multi-jointed workouts to fat burning efficacy. Here, Mike dispels the illusion that long cardio workouts will result to more fat burned. In reality, it is the quality of the workout that is essential.

One good thing about The Truth About Six Pack Abs is that it is practical. It is very pragmatic about approaching weight loss and body toning. Diet pills do work but they cost money and not everyone can afford them. Fad diets can show big results in the short term but they are good only if you have nothing else to do but sit around the house. Otherwise, you will either faint or get rapped by the boss for being sluggish at work. Mike provides guidance on choosing the right food by busting “healthy diet” fads that do nothing but provide temporary results. Complicated exercise routines often scare rookies out of the gym. The book features exercises that can be done at home by anyone.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is honest. There is nothing more disappointing about the thousands of fad exercises and diets out in the market today than the empty promise of attaining the dream body for nothing. Many books and videos feature exercises that require virtually nothing but single motion steps to do in front of the television. Rather than promoting an active lifestyle, these fads actually encourage laziness. Imagine duping people into thinking that they can get six pack abs without breaking a sweat! The Truth About Six Pack Abs is straightforward – if you want washboard abs you will have to work for it. There are no empty promises here only candid advice about the right way to exercise and eating sensibly. Mike himself attests that he only got rock-hard abs through hard and consistent work.

All in all, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, is a good read. It does not promise overnight success but emphasizes the right combination of workout and nutrition. It certainly delivers in clearing out age-old misconceptions about certain diets and exercise routines. Among the many similar books out in the market today, Mike Geary’s The Truth About Six Pack Abs, is certainly well worth the money.

We give the The Truth About Six Pack Abs product a 4/5 rating.
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#4 – Top Secret Fat Loss Secret

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret – A Different Approach on a Weight Loss Program

There is this new book that promotes a weight loss program titled “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret.” It is written by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, a doctor and researcher. She boldly claims that doctors claiming to be diet gurus or fitness experts have been lying or doesn’t really know what they are talking about.

She points out that the main problem with weight gain is that it is partly caused by plaque and parasites lined up in the digestive tract that prevents the efficient and fast way of digesting food and eliminating wastes. “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” outlines a detox program wherein the plaques are removed and the parasites killed. The cleansing treatment is made from organic herbs and extracts sourced from around the globe.

“Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” starts off with giving tips with what constitutes a healthy diet. This is a good point to start off with since every cleansing diet program hinges on the eating habits of the user. If he or she is at loss of what to eat outside of the detox program, the toxins will just keep getting back.

“Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” also explains the importance of knowing one’s metabolic type. Having this information will help one in identifying the certain types of food that his body is much more adept at processing. This results in better metabolism and thus, retards weight gain. This part shows a long term benefit and can, in itself, prove to be a viable diet program.

The “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” also explains what food types will work best together. This is a really helpful advice for people who feel that even the healthiest diets didn’t seem to work for them because, in truth, the problem may lie in the lack of “cooperation” among foods.

So what is the top secret fat loss secret? As what was mentioned earlier, it revolves around the knowledge that parasites and plaques are present in the digestive tract, particularly the colon. This will result to a sluggish digestive system. Aside from hampering the digestion, these unwanted intruders also prevent you from getting all the nutrition you get from the food you eat. The body compensates for this deficiency in nutrition by asking the brain for more food in form of cravings.

Toxins are also secreted by the parasites to your body causing you more harm. They encourage the organs to protect themselves by putting more layers of fat. This is where weight gain peaks. The top secret fat loss secret really is a detox program to rid you of these toxins. “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” gives you a cleansing diet which claims to rid you of the toxins and thus, trigger a fast weight loss.

The book offers useful piece of diet advice. The information on proper diet and metabolic type are interesting and useful read, one that you can use on a day to day basis. As for the top secret weight loss secret, it is based on sound medical principles and views, and anyone into cleansing and detox diets won’t see it too exaggerated on its claims. The real strength of the book “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” is its non-singular focus of a detox diet which might prove to be a short-term. After all, long term effects are better desired and much healthier.

We give the Top Secret Fat Loss Secret product a 5/5 rating.
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