Male Yeast Infection-What Men Should Know
February 13, 2009 by admin
Filed under Yeast Infection
A very common misconception about yeast infection is that only women can get it. Yeast infection among men is an often neglected disease because not too many men are aware that they are already afflicted with the disease.
The significant difference in the body constitution of men and women is a primary factor why yeast infection among men is almost always goes undetected. Men’s body would hardly give a clue of its existence until other more serious health problems develop.
Awareness of yeast infection among men usually starts only when come to know that their sex partners have the infection. In such cases, both of them should take antifungal medications, lest they risk giving the infection back to the other partner. It is advised that partners should see to it that the infection is totally gone before resuming sexual contact.
What’s even more alarming to know is the fact that male yeast infection can reach as far as the urethral canal and the prostate gland. The canal of the vagina is a conducive place for yeasts to grow, especially during sexual intercourse. Thus, unprotected sexual intercourse tends to promote yeast infection, especially if the woman has vaginal yeast infection. Easily noticeable male yeast infection is a penile yeast infection characterized by dry and cracked skin which gives extreme pain upon erection.
The main cause for the growth of yeast fungi in the body is a weak immune system wherein there is an imbalance between good bacteria and yeast. It is important to stress though that candida albicans (yeast) do not pose harm to your body not unless they grow to such numerous supply that they outnumber your body’s good bacteria. Thus, antibiotics can cause yeast infection, as well as alcohol, beer and other wheat products that unsuspectingly carry some molds with it.
Visible signs of penile yeast infection are the redness and blisters of the head of the penis that is often sore and itchy. Digestive problems are the most common symptom of male yeast infection. Other more common symptoms include a foul breath, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, memory loss, dryness and itching of the skin, athlete’s foot, and prostate illnesses. Since these fungi are parasites, one tends to crave for food and more food.
A very easy way to determine whether or not one has male yeast infection is through spitting in a glass of water early in the morning after waking up. After 30 minutes, a positive result is characterized by a sinking of the saliva into the bottom, a cloudy texture in the water, and a spider web-like appearance develops. On the other hand, if the spit simply dissolves into the water, luckily you don’t have yeast infection.
It should be noted, however, that self-diagnosis when it comes to male yeast infection is not advised since its symptoms resemble so much of other sexually-transmitted diseases like genital herpes. Thus, in order to have that reassuring peace of mind, see your doctor for a more precise diagnosis or so that you’ll be given proper prescription suited to your unique condition.